SB 742-1
c. Leaking rockets will be reported IAW SB 742-1, chapter contain a known stable GB agent lot may be considered for re-
inclusion in Sample Plan A. Requests for re-inclusion will be
forwarded to the proponent of this SSI for approval.
b. When performing leaker isolation of M55, GB rockets,
a. Vapor test. Samples from each lot, will be tested for any intrusive monitoring can be credited toward the current
agent contamination inside the M441 SFT, see Table XX-1. quarter's sampling requirements. If the lot has already been
Sampling Plan A will be used for lots that have not experienced sampled for the current quarter, no credit can be taken. If a
leakers in their life cycle. Sampling Plan B will be used for lots leaker is encountered during the intrusive monitoring, the
that have experienced leakers, but have not been designated as remainder of the total sample size still must be completed for
leaker lots. Sampling Plan C will be used for those lots that this lot.
have been designated as Leaker Lots at your location. Lots in
Sampling Plan B that have not leaked in five or more years and
M55 GB Rocket Storage Monitoring Inspection
Sampling Plans
Lot Size
Quarterly (unless otherwise indicated) Sample Size
> 3000
Quantity indicated is to be sampled over a period of
In rare instances, the M441 SFT may develop
three years. This sampling may be accomplished at one
internal pressure during storage. Potential release
time within the three years or in increments as
of pressure associated with presence of liquid agent
determined by the QASAS-in-charge.
may result in expulsion of agent from sampling port
when plug is removed. Equal care should be taken
When total annual sample size exceeds the lot size, the
lot will be sampled 100% each year.
This 100%
Situations have been experienced in which agent
sampling may be accomplished at one time within the
under pressure sprayed from one end of the firing
year or in increments as determined by the QASAS-in-
tube but not the other. Plug removal wrench must
be fitted with a splash shield.
When a rocket lot(s), or portion of a lot(s), has been
e. Remove sampling plugs from front and rear end cap's
scheduled for demilitarization within a designated
and examine for the presence of agent contamination. If
calendar quarter (three months), the lot(s), or portion of
lot(s), may be excluded from sampling during that
the sample port for evidence of solidified or crystallized agent,
quarter. If demilitarization has not commenced during
if present monitor from outside the sample port do not insert
the scheduled quarter (or is not imminent), sampling
sample probe.
shall resume in subsequent quarters. Further delays
are not authorized unless justified in writing by the
f. If front or rear end cap plug cannot be removed, and no
QASAS-in-charge, based upon changes in the
evidence of agent leakage is present, select a different sample.
demilitarization timeline. Sample sizes need not be
increased in ensuing quarters to account for rockets
that were not sampled in a quarter during which a lot
With time, M441 SFTs have a tendency to settle
was scheduled for demilitarization
within the pallet that causes the end caps of the
SFTs to become misaligned with the openings in the
AE-9. Inspection operations
end boards of the pallets.
It is permissible to
remove the end boards from the pallet. It is not
a. Visually inspect all accessible M441 Shipping and
necessary to replace the end boards when the
Firing Tubes (SFT) in the structure for evidence of leakage and
operation is completed. However, they must be
general condition. Inspect for stability of stacks, condition of
retained so that they may be reconfigured to the
pallets and any other condition that could affect suitability for
pallet prior to intra-depot movement.
continued safe storage pending demilitarization.
inspections should be performed only to the extent possible
g. In the event damaged sampling port threads are noted,
without rewarehousing.
a thread chaser may be used or a self-tapping screw will be
installed as a replacement for the plug that was just removed.
b. Identify M55 rocket lot selected for sampling.
If either plug cannot be reinstalled the rocket must be
c. Identify individual rockets designated for testing. Those containerized in an SRC and tagged as a non-leaking rocket,
rockets that have been previously inspected should have been missing sample plugs.
tagged as such.
d. Verify that sampling plug in the front, end cap of the
SFT is in the 12 o'clock position. If sampling plug is not in the
a. The monitoring program described in the following
proper position, rotate M441 SFT until correct orientation is section is based upon the ability of the equipment to detect the
obtained. If M441 SFT cannot be rotated, check the position of presence of 0.5ng of GB in the collected air sample. A mass of
the aft end, sampling plug. The sampling plug closest to the 0.5ng of GB will be the action level for this program.
12 o'clock position will be removed first.
b. Gross level testing to prevent saturation of the low-level
detector separation column is optional. Maintain a inch
separation distance between the front-end sample port and the