SB 742-1
b. Ends of ton containers will be examined for
presence of rust and/or corrosion. Minor rust or
DF has a stinging, disagreeable
corrosion covering 25 percent or less of container end
odor, and QL has a strong fishy
surface will be recorded, for information, on the depot
surveillance record card. If minor rust or corrosion
smell. Immediately evacuate area if
exceeds 25 percent of end surface, the container will
either is present.
be assigned CC-E and a DA Form 2415 will be
(2) DF Canister (M20) and Bulk QL.
submitted to the NICP at the address in para 1-5d(7).
If rust exists on areas immediately adjacent to valves
(3) Magazine will be monitored for the
or plugs in sufficient quantity to hinder detection of
presence of DF and QL and personnel will not enter
agent leakage, and derusting and repainting of areas
until results are obtained.
is not performed during inspection cycle, container
will be placed in CC-E.
(4) Personnel
respiratory gear for use if needed. Canisters will not
(1) A ton container will be placed in CC-E for
be handled unless face protection is worn.
derusting, repainting, and remarking when any
degree of rust or corrosion threatens to render 7-10. Gross Level Detection Methods.
identification markings illegible.
Gross level detectors may be used to detect and/or
(2) Cylindrical surface of ton containers will confirm the presence of airborne chemical agents in
also be examined for presence of rust or corrosion. instances where agent concentrations are suspected
Containers will be placed in CC-E when rust or to exceed normal operating capabilities of low-level
corrosion on cylindrical surface has progressed to monitors. The following information and techniques
scaly, granular, or flaked condition accompanied with supplement those provided in applicable user
definite pitting or etching of metal, or with pits or instructions and the list of gross level detectors
irregular areas of material removed from item surface. reflected in DA Pam 385-61,Toxic Chemical Agent
Any lesser degree of rust or corrosion on cylindrical Safety Standards.
surface of containers will not result in a condition
a. Test for H-series agents using blue band tube.
code change though it will be recorded for information
on the depot surveillance record card.
(1) Preparation of sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
(3) Ton containers need not be removed from solution. In lieu of using solution from the blue top
the storage structure or stack solely for visual bottle supplied with the M18A2 kit, prepare an 8.5%
inspection of areas not accessible while in the normal solution of NaOH by dissolving 0.68 grams of sodium
storage configuration. If visual inspection indicates hydroxide in 8.0 ml of distilled water. Consult the
deterioration, container should be removed and given MSDS for sodium hydroxide prior to preparation.
a more thorough inspection.
(2) Preparation of the detector tube. Just
c. M55 GB Rockets. SMI procedures are in SSI prior to test, break off both ends of the detector tube
740-1340-94-400 located in Appendix AE of this at the score marks. Insert the unbanded end of the
regulation. The use of any other procedures must be sampling tube firmly into the aspirator bulb or
tubing, which leads to an air sampling device.
authorized in writing by addressee in para 1-5d(7).
(3) A single tube may be used for drawing
multiple air samples (maximum of four 2.5 liter
samples) before adding solution. If a positive result is
(1) Agent leakage sometimes occurs at the
obtained, each item sampled with that tube must be
juncture of the fuze or lifting plug and the projectile
retested individually. The test will be invalid for any
body. These leaks, if not detected early in the leakage
sample tested with a single tube after the total air
process, often become "self-sealing".
volume drawn through that tube exceeds 10 liters.
Hose clamps may be used to temporarily halt the flow
(2) Workers should be aware of this
of air through the sampling tubes.
phenomenon and recognize that any built-up area
between the fuze/lifting plug and projectile or the
presence of a dry residue may be an indication of
Multiple uses of tubes are not
agent leakage.
authorized when ambient relative
humidity exceeds 59%.
(3) Dry residual agent leakers will
reported as "exudates" on the leaker report form.
(4) Obtain an air sample of 2 2.5 liters or
60 compressions of the aspirator bulb from the
e. Binary Components (DF Canisters and Bulk M18A2 kit.
(5) Remove the sampling tube from the bulb
(1) Conduct SMI for all components of the or tubing. Wait 2 minutes, and then add 1 or 2 drops
Binary round IAW paragraph 7-5a (except for of NaOH solution to the banded end. In cold weather,
structure monitoring requirements).
It is not color development may be slow.
necessary to open outer packs to inspect components