SB 742-1
b. Lightning protection systems within the ammunition
area will receive a visual examination and a test for electrical
continuity and adequacy of grounding at intervals contained in
a. Ammunition placed in
outside storage will be given
AR 385-64/DA PAM 385-64 and DOD 6055.9-STD. These
adequate continuing inspection
to ensure that packaging is not
inspections and tests will normally be conducted by a
damaged or deteriorated to
the extent that ammunition
designated operations organization within the installation. The
contents are exposed in any
manner not intended by the
procedures and the results of these inspections and tests will
original design of the package.
be monitored and reviewed by the ammunition surveillance
organization to assure that the lightning protection systems
(1) Any damaged packages will be adequately repaired
are properly inspected and tested. Copies of all inspection and
before placing in outside storage. All ammunition will be
test results will be maintained IAW DA PAM 385-64. Suitable
stored in stable stacks with ventilation provided according to
commercial test equipment or APE 1952, lightning protection
existing requirements.
system test equipment may be used.
(2) DA policy requires that outside storage of
c. At the discretion of the QASAS in charge, the magazine
ammunition and explosive materiel be held to an absolute
inspection interval may be increased to a maximum of 24
months or reduced to a minimum of quarterly depending on
(3) It is recognized that there are situations where
activity or local conditions which would increase or decrease
outside storage may be justified provided materiel is stored per
the possibility for deficiencies to occur. Reasons for changing
explosive safety standards. Examples of these situations are
intervals (lack of funding or personnel does not constitute
as follows:
(a) Size precludes storage in magazines.
d. Empty magazines will be inspected upon notification of
removal of materiel.
An empty magazine need not be
(b) Materiel is presently stored
reinspected before being reused for storage provided that--
scheduled for demilitarization or maintenance.
(1) It was inspected after it was emptied.
b. A formal examination will be made quarterly of each
(2) Magazines and storage sites having had chemical outside site in which ammunition is stored. This inspection
surety materiel stored therein have been certified free of toxic will consist of a general exterior examination of the
ammunition items and packages for evidence of deterioration
hazard (AR 50-6).
or damage and for the presence of any conditions indicating
(3) All defects noted during the inspection have been the possibility of future deterioration.
verified as being corrected.
(1) If the exterior examination reveals any evidence of
(4) Use for storage is accomplished within 24 months deterioration or nonstandard conditions, additional detailed
following the last inspection.
inspections will be made as necessary to determine the
(5) Empty magazines must be sealed with a numbered condition of the entire quantity of ammunition affected.
notification of the ammunition, security, and surveillance hazardous conditions that may affect the continued
organizations. Local procedures must be prepared to assure serviceability or storage safety of the ammunition.
above notification.
Integrity of seals will be assured at least
(2) Each outside site will be examined immediately
every 6 months.
following any unusual weather condition, such as severe rain,
e. Any magazine or storage building that is to be used for snow, or wind storms, which might damage or affect the
storage of nonexplosive or non-ammunition items (general ammunition.
supplies), or which is to remain empty for a long period of time,
c. PI will be accomplished annually on required stocks in
more than one year, should have the magazine inspection outside storage.
interval lengthened. Qualified facilities engineer personnel
instead of the ammunition surveillance organization may 10-4. Handling, storage, and shipping operations.
conduct these inspections.
a. QASAS personnel will review handling, storage and
(1) The lengthened interval is to be based on local shipping operations for compliance with applicable safety and
conditions but should not be less than 24 months and must operational regulations.
Reports of deficiencies will be
forwarded through appropriate channels to obtain corrective
not exceed 36 months. Continued magazine inspection is
required to detect any damage or deterioration before extensive actions, as required.
Follow-up will be made to assure
deficiencies are corrected.
b. A QASAS will clear all lots of ammunition, components,
(2) The surveillance organization will document and
and related materiel designated for shipment or issue.
report any damage and deterioration to the appropriate
Clearance will include reviewing DSR cards, suspension
installation organization for planning or programming of
records, and other applicable references. Local procedures will
preventive maintenance so that the magazine remains suitable
be designed to assure that all necessary actions required prior
for ammunition storage. The correction of all deficiencies must
to shipment are--
be verified by the ammunition surveillance organization.
(1) Noted on the appropriate shipping documents.
(3) Installations that have been identified under the
Base Realignment and Closure act, need not conduct
(2) Provided to the operating element for action.
inspections on empty magazines. A final inspection will be
made prior to base transfer. This final inspection is limited to
(3) Checked to assure completion prior to release of
a check for ammunition items or residue.
items for issue or shipment.