SB 742-1
d. Sample Shipment. Samples will be shipped to the 13-14. Lost Lot Identity. Propellants with lost lot identity
locations listed in para 1-5d(18).
cannot be tested to determine current level of stabilizer, since
the specific propellant index cannot be identified. Therefore,
e. Material release order (MRO) will be issued by HQ, JMC these lots represent a potential safety hazard. Propellant with
for shipment of samples to the designated test installation.
lost lot identity will not be retained in storage in any account.
Propellant with lot numbers "MIXED," "UNKNOWN" or
as part of the lot number will be treated within 60 days of
discovery. Immediate notification of such propellants must be
a. Sample selection.
made in writing to the surveillance office at JMC, which will
coordinate with the JMC Demilitarization Office for treatment
(1) Select five containers that are representative of the
instructions and/or assistance, as required.
entire lot.
13-15. Minimum Lot Size. Installations are responsible for
(2) Remove two pounds of propellant from each
managing their propellant stocks. Table 13-3 establishes a
container. If charge is of dual granulation, remove 2 pounds of
recommended minimum lot size per installation for retention.
each component propellant lot from each container.
propellant is packaged as component charges, bags must be
removed. After sample quantity has been removed, residue
from component charges is authorized for disposal.
b. Sample preparation.
100 propelling charges
(1) Seal and package separately each two pound
50 propelling charges
1200 increments
(2) Each two-pound sample container will be marked
2400 increments B
with propellant nomenclature, lot number, and number of
300 increments A
container from which removed; e.g., container 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
4.2 INCH
7500 full increments
Do not print sample data directly on the inner pack; e.g.,
300 half-increments
aluminized bag. Flaking of bag material results in loss of
1200 donut increments
sample data.
Bulk Propellant
50 pounds
(3) The outer pack will be as specified in paragraph
Since performing stability tests on very small lots is not
13-11c(1), except for one end, which will be
painted white and
economically feasible, lot quantities less than the above should
stenciled in black ink, "For Reassessment Test PROP-QAS
be transferred to CC-H, and disposition instructions obtained
(assigned number). The outer pack will contain the entire 10-
from HQ JMC. Organizations retaining less than 50 pounds
pound sample.
per lot of bulk propellant for "special" projects will continue to
c. Sample shipment. Samples will be shipped to one of monitor for stabilizer content. Lots retained for "special"
projects, regardless of quantity, must be tested and the storing
the addresses, listed in para 1-5d(18) as directed.
installation will ensure JMC surveillance is provided annual
d. Material release order (MRO) will be issued by HQ, JMC visibility by list each March.
for shipment of samples to the selected installation.
13-16. Reporting Requirements of
Stabilized Propellant.
13-13. Reclaimed/Derived Propellant. Written coordination At
least one yearly review of
propellant lots in
storage against
with the surveillance office at JMC will occur before the start of the information contained in the "Propellant Database" on the
any operation generating bulk propellant. Propellant will not be JMC Surveillance web site listed in paragraph 1-5d(22)(m) is
downloaded as part of a maintenance or demilitarization needed to ensure that stability category (A, C, D) is determined
project until the following two steps occur:
by the percentage result entered in the "MIN" column of the
a. The local QASAS and the surveillance office at JMC "Propellant Database". Column heading "MIN" is the lowest
review the storage history of each end item lot, looking for result ever recorded for a lot. Errors or omissions discovered
evidence of storage in extended temperature or moisture during a review will be immediately report to the JMC
surveillance office.
extremes that might have adversely affected the propellant.
a. Bulk propellant, bulk-packed components, and
b. A sample of each propellant lot to be downloaded will be
separate loading charges in storage in government owned
tested for stabilizer. In lieu of testing, the propellant can be
facilities, and not reported via the Worldwide Ammunition
downloaded if the quantity downloaded is treated
Reporting System (WARS), will be reported to the surveillance
expeditiously. Bulk propellant of either unknown stability or
office at JMC in accordance with the requirements of IOC
Category "D" that is retained for any length of time greater
Regulation 702-2. This reporting requirement ensures that
than 24 hours must be isolated from other ammunition and
both the surveillance office at JMC and the local surveillance
explosives (i.e., placed in a dedicated magazine).
office have the latest stability test results for all non-WARS
propellant that is located inside the installation boundary in a
configuration capable of autoignition (e.g. bulk packaged,
Propellant lots that have been determined by the
separate loaded charges, etc.). Current stabilizer visibility must
surveillance office at JMC to be potentially
be maintained for all propellant lots stored on each
hazardous to retain in storage, regardless of
government installation. The QASAS having direct oversight
stability category, will be treated within 60 days
responsibilities at installation(s) not reporting propellant assets
after download.
via the WARS will ensure the timely submission, each March,
of the following data: