SB 742-1
C - Significant stabilizer loss. Lot does not represent an
c. At the beginning of each FY, the JMC surveillance office
immediate hazard, but is approaching a potentially hazardous
will select candidate lots for SPP testing that FY. A list of
stability condition. Loss of stabilizer does not adversely affect
candidate lots will be sent by hard copy and/or electronic
functioning in an uploaded configuration. Disposition
memorandum from the surveillance office at JMC to specific
instructions will be furnished by NAR. All stability category "C"
installations to determine the availability of samples.
assets on the installation must be reported in writing to the
(1) Prior to the shipment of any propellant lot, the office in para 1-5d(1). Report may be sent by fax, e-mail, or
applicable DSR will be reviewed for availability of the current telephone.
stability category, the date of the last test, and the date of the
next test. If the DSR does not reflect current information, the BULK PROPELLANT and BULK-PACKED COMPONENT lots will
local QASAS should first consult the propellant stability be offered for Resource Recovery and Recycling as soon they
become stability category "C." One year after becoming stability
database, then the surveillance office at JMC, if necessary.
category "C," a sample of the bulk propellant lot or the bulk-
(2) Installations will retain requested samples in packed component lot will be retested. If the lot has not
condition code "D." Samples in CC-H at time of request will be deteriorated to category "D," it will be demilitarized within 6
retained in CC-H. Sample quantities will be obligated for months. If the lot has degraded to category "D," it will be
shipment to the test facility. Parent lot quantities will be treated within 60 days.
retained in the current condition code and may be issued,
pending receipt of sample test results.
issued for use to preclude loss of assets. One year after
(a) Requested samples will be selected and becoming stability category 'C," a sample from the lot will be
prepared for shipment in accordance with paragraph 13-11, retested. If the lot has not deteriorated to category "D," it will
this SB. A copy of the DSR card will be forwarded to the test be demilitarized within 6 months. If the lot has degraded to
activity for each sample shipped. DA Form 984 (Munitions category "D," it will be treated within 60 days.
Surveillance Report) is not required for sample propellant lots.
Material Release Orders (MRO) for shipment of samples will D - Unacceptable stabilizer loss. Lots identified as stability
usually be issued by the supply item managers at JMC. category "D" present a potential safety hazard and are unsafe
Installations not in receipt of MRO's within 14 days of RDD for continued storage as bulk, bulk-packed components, or as
should contact the surveillance office at JMC by telephone and separate loading propelling charges. Bulk propellant, bulk-
by e-mail, for resolution.
packed components, and separate loading propelling charges
will be treated within 60 days after notification of category "D"
(b) After completion of testing from a test code status. After the lots are treated, written notification will be
group, the test facility will report the results to the JMC made to the surveillance office at JMC, which will forward the
surveillance office. The propellant stability database notification to the JMC Demilitarization Office. If the 60-day
maintained at JMC will be updated, and the JMC surveillance treatment suspense cannot be met under any circumstance,
office will forward the test results to the installation from local commanders will elevate this critical shortfall through
which the lot samples were drawn. The installation QASAS will their chain-of-command. Notification will also be sent to the
annotate the results on the local DSR. JMC will transmit a surveillance office at JMC.
NAR for any Army propellant lot in stability category "C" or "D."
SOUTHWEST ASIA (SWA) "Y" LOTS - Stability test results for
SWA "Y" lots will apply to the basic (non-SWA) lot as well, and
vice versa, unless otherwise directed by JMC.
Any stability-related suspensions or restrictions of
Army bulk propellant or bulk-pack components will
13-10. Propellant Reassessment Program (PRP). This
NOT apply to propellant configured and uploaded as
program involves the test and evaluation of stored propellant to
a component of fixed, semi-fixed, or separated
determine the functional serviceability prior to loading into a
munitions, for gun systems less than 5 inches
major item. It does not apply to items intended exclusively for
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDTE). Whenever
demonstrated that propellant uploaded in such
possible, the oldest propellant lot(s) will be selected for the
rounds has never autoignited. If downloaded, any
PRP. HQ JMC is responsible for the final determination of
and all stability-related suspensions and restrictions
functional serviceability of bulk propellant and component
will apply.
charges under the PRP, and the JMC surveillance office is
responsible for providing the notification of loading
authorization via Appendix I, TB 9-1300-385. The functional
serviceability will be determined either by a laboratory
reassessment test or a laboratory / ballistic test combination.
Sample selection and shipment will be in accordance with
Laboratory reassessment tests will be performed only when an
actual need for the propellant exists. Propellant classified as
0.30 OR MORE
"Master" or "Reference" lots are exempt from the PRP
0.29 - 0.20
requirements in this bulletin. Bulk propellant and bulk-packed
component charges having a current loading authorization,
and that are otherwise serviceable, will be classified CC-A;
those otherwise serviceable lots without a current loading
NOTE: Propellant stability data for Category "D" propellant will
authorization will be classified CC-D.
be entered on the end item DSR card for information purposes.
A - Acceptable stabilizer loss; safe for continued storage.