SB 742-1
13-8. Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program (ASRP)
b. Stockpile Propellant Program (SPP). The SPP tests
Testing. The ASRP for propellant contains two distinct fielded Army propellant assets to assure that environmental
Stockpile Laboratory Test programs: The Propellant Stability effects are accounted for in determining their safe storage
Program and the Propellant Reassessment Program.
condition. The SPP test frequencies vary depending on
propellant type, lot history and chemical stability. The
13-9. Propellant Stability Program (PSP). This program Propellant Surveillance Laboratory at ARDEC
compares field
monitors and analyzes stabilizer levels and stability trends of sample test results with master sample test results. The
Army-managed propellant lots, in order to identify potentially laboratory also performs the Safe Interval Prediction Test (SIP)
unstable propellants in sufficient time to safely remove them for each propellant lot, the results of which are used to
from the stockpile through use or through demilitarization. The establish a Field Retest Date for every lot in the SPP. The SPP
PSP is centrally administered by surveillance at HQ JMC, and includes bulk propellant, bulk-packed components, and
consists of two subprograms: Master Propellant Program and separate loading charges. The following items are not included
Stockpile Propellant Program.
in the SPP and will not be tested unless specifically directed by
a. Master Propellant Program. Within six months after the surveillance office at JMC:
government acceptance, a sample of each newly produced bulk
(1) Propellant when assembled to complete rounds;
propellant lot, along with its description sheet, is sent to the i.e., mortar, fixed, semi-fixed, or separated ammunition.
appropriate surveillance organization specified in the contract
documentation. The five-pound Army samples are sent to the
(2) Propellant components when assembled as part of
N.J. offices listed in para 1-5d(18)(b). Samples are monitored a projectile; e.g., expelling charges, expulsion charges.
throughout the life of the propellant, and Master Sample
(3) Rocket propellant, to include rocket assist grains
stabilizer trends are compared with field-stored propellant
stabilizer trends.
(4) Any high explosive or propellant ingredient not
(1) If any Master Sample lot's test results are stability
chemically stabilized; i.e., black powder, RDX, TNT, NC, etc.
category "D," a worldwide suspension of that specific lot stored
in bulk form, as well as any components or separate loading
(5) LOVA propellant.
propelling charges containing the suspended lot, will be
initiated via a NAR, directing treatment within 60 days. Note
that these suspension actions will not usually apply to
(7) Combustible container components (except when
propellant uploaded into fixed or semi-fixed rounds.
bulk stored)
(2) A Master Sample with test results of stability
category "C" will be compared with field sample results of that
lot. Field samples from that lot (index) from all Army storage
All propellants stored on an Army installation and
locations visible on the worldwide ammunition reporting
not specifically excluded above are part of the SPP.
system (WARS) will be tested. If testing of field samples confirm
All propellant NOT assembled to a complete round,
stabilizer category "C," the lot will be reported on a NAR.
regardless of how it is stored, is part of the SPP.
Category "C" propellant lots on hand after one year will be re-
Bulk propellants and component items containing
tested. If the retest shows the lot has not yet deteriorated to
propellant are included in the SPP prior to loading
category "D," it will be demilitarized within 6 months. If the
into complete rounds; any remaining quantities
RES has dropped to category "D," it will be treated within 60
from the lot not uploaded remain in the program for
future, periodic testing.
(3) Notification of munitions suspension/restriction/
release for Army account propellant will be managed in
If the entire worldwide quantity of a specific
accordance with TB 9-1300-385. The Single Manager for
propellant lot is assembled into complete rounds,
Conventional Ammunition (SMCA) activities are required per
that lot is not tested under the SPP but is
DOD 5160.65M to apply NAVSUP P 801 to all Navy, Marine
continuously monitored in the MPP. Before any
Corps, and Coast Guard-owned assets. The NAVSUP P 801
propellant lot is downloaded (removed) from an end
provides a listing of suspended, limited use, and unserviceable
item, its current stability must be determined. The
ammunition and propellant. Temporary suspensions apply to
current status of all propellant that is downloaded
all services; permanent suspensions only apply to the owning
during maintenance or demilitarization of the end
item will be ascertained through surveillance at
JMC prior to commencing the operation. Lot
integrity of the downloaded propellant, along with
Immediate treatment directives disseminated by
its current stability, will be maintained on record if
the Navy on Navy-specific bulk propellants or bulk-
the lot is to be bulk-stored for any period in excess
packed component charges will not apply when
of 24 hours. Downloaded propellant that is being
loaded into weapons systems smaller than 5 inch
bulk-stored and marketed for sale must be
(127mm) that are currently in an Army ownership
physically removed from the installation after sale.
account, or after the items have been transferred to
Downloaded propellant should be scheduled for
an Army demilitarization account. Army experience
reuse, destruction, or transfer to a third party
has demonstrated that uploaded propellants in such
owner within one year of generation (see paragraph
rounds have never autoignited.