SB 742-1
g. Visual
g. Test plug not greased
h. Visual
h. Container seal missing or incorrectly
i. Visual
i. Cover incompletely engaged
j. Visual
j. Unit not palletized in accordance with
approved drawings
a. Discolored propellant bag
a. DS-6
a. Visual
b. Container for separate loading
propelling charge deteriorated or
b. DS-5
b. Visual
c. Caked flash reducer
c. Visual
(1) If found, inspect an additional 20
rounds for all defect criteria in this table.
(2) DO NOT reject for caked flash
NOTE: This requirement is for an
inspection of only one additional sample
of 20. Do not repeat if caked flash
reducer is found in the second sample.
*Defect Standards:
DS-1 Metal container is to be tested at 3-5 PSI, using APE 1052, before opening for inspection and after replacing container
cover. Container must be capable of maintaining constant pressure for 10 seconds. Visible decrease in pressure gage reading
during the 10-second interval will classify container as defective.
DS-2 Propellant bag with loss of tensile strength is usually accompanied by cloth discoloration as follows:
Brown spots on white silk bags.
Orange spots on green silk bags.
Blue spots on white cotton or rayon blend bags.
The APE 1991 should be used to test the tensile strength of 155mm propellant bags.
DS-3 Propellant bag damaged or incompletely stitched to extent propellant can escape.
DS-4 Stitches, bags, and seals shall be without breaks, tears, grease, or noticeable foreign matter. Increment is in improper
order; i.e., charge five assembled where charge three should be.
DS-5 Separate loading propelling charge containers should be considered serviceable if all the following are true:
(a) Sample passes air test regardless of visual condition of lid gasket. Torn or cracked gaskets on samples must be
(b) Marking is legible.
(c) Rust has not progressed to major defect stage {see para. 2-7.c(2), chapter 2}.
Above criteria apply only to material in storage, and not to new production or to renovated material.
DS-6 Propellant bag discolored (see DS-2) without loss of tensile strength. Lots exhibiting this defect will receive priority of issue
for training.