SB 742-1
b. Bulk packed increments and charges for mortars will be
a. Advance planning is essential to assure sufficient lead-
shipped in quantity specified by sample requests.
time for the completion of testing. Request for reassessment
propellant will not be removed from the increment bags.
testing of field service stocks will be coordinated with the JMC
Sample shipment will be made using the current NSN and lot
supply item manager and the surveillance office at JMC not
The sample size will be approximately one-half
less than 120 days before the loading is to commence. The
pound of propellant per lot, with every effort made to request
reassessment request will contain:
sample quantities that are standard units of issue.
(1) Lot number and NSN of propellant / propelling
(1) Unless otherwise designated, the bulk propellant
charge requiring reassessment
sample size will be one pound.
(2) Estimated
(2) Separate loading charges and 105MM propelling
reassessed lot(s)
charges will consist of complete charges to be shipped in the
(3) NSN, lot number(s), and quantity of material to be quantity specified by the sample request (usually one pound).
c. Sample Preparation.
b. The propellant program manager at JMC will determine
(1) Outer pack for samples will consist of standard
laboratory must be in possession of the propellant samples no ammunition packs meeting the requirements of Title 49, Code
later than 60 days before the maintenance project is to of Federal Regulations (CFR), or latest Bureau of Explosives
(BOE) Tariff 6000.
Approved outer packs for propellant
samples include Special Packaging Instruction (SPI) ADP1376-
c. Ballistic testing at a proving ground will be performed 002 (Revision B or later for M2A1 ammunition container),
as required by the surveillance office at JMC.
metal-lined wood boxes, metal drums, and fiber drums, which
d. Loading authorizations are issued at time of initial meet both the maximum container load limit for which they
acceptance, and are provided via Appendix I, TB 9-1300-385 were Performance Oriented Packaging (POP) tested, and the
for reassessments performed in accordance with the applicable packaging drawing marking requirement.
requirements of the PRP. Expiration dates of initial acceptance
(2) Place samples in a plastic bag of minimum size to
and reassessment are based on the following:
hold the sample and allow grounding if necessary. Seal bag by
(1) Propellant compositions M5, M10, M26, and one of the three following methods: (1) folding the opening over
three times to close and apply two single wraps of tape that
M26E1 are valid for 2 years, regardless of pack.
overlaps itself a minimum of one inch; (2) gather the opening
(2) Other types stored in metal or metal-lined wood together and tie with a twist tie; (3) use a zip-lock closure.
containers (level A) are valid for 5 years.
Place the cushioned samples in an M2A1 Small Arms
Container, in accordance with SPI ADP 1376-002. Alternate
(3) All types stored in fiber drums are valid for 2
packaging methods that meet POP requirements are as follows:
e. The expiration date of the loading authorization for the
barrier material); 8105-00-282-0565 (Ziploc type bag 11 X 10);
lot will be annotated on the DSR and will be noted on the
shipping documents. All applicable propellant lots with a
current loading authorization will be listed in appendix I of the
latest edition of the TB 9-1300-385, or in the JMC Surveillance
web page.
(b) Refer to MIL-STD-652 for bulk container
f. If a propellant lot's loading authorization expires during
using metal drums, fiber drums, or metal-lined wood boxes.
a maintenance program, a GS-12 QASAS from the servicing
ammunition surveillance organization may permit an extension
(c) If a telescoping spiral-wound fiber container
of up to 180 days to allow completion of the active having metal ends and double-foil inner wrap is used for
maintenance program under which the reassessment was bagged propellant/increment(s), add cushioning at both ends
requested. Otherwise, lots with expired loading authorizations as required to obtain a tight pack, and close with two wraps of
cannot be loaded until reassessed.
g. All OCONUS shipments of bulk propellant or
(d) If large grain or stick propellant is to be
component charges will be cleared through the surveillance
shipped, wrap each item with plastic wrap, or bag and tape it.
office at JMC, and only CC-A material will be approved for
Cushion as required with bubble-wrap or closed-cell foam
shipment. Material to be shipped must be in support of an
upcoming or on-going maintenance operation, and material
(3) Expose samples to the air for the minimum time
shipped must have a minimum of nine months remaining on
needed to package. Do not desiccate samples. Type or print
the loading authorization upon arrival OCONUS.
legibly on a card the following information: NSN, lot number (if
13-11. Selection, Preparation and shipment of
Propellant dual granulation, both lot numbers), name of
the submitting
Samples For Stockpile Propellant Program
installation, and test. Enclose card with sample in the inner
pack. Include DSR card and ammunition data card for each
a. Sample Selection.
lot. Pack dual grain charges separately; on the identification
card, identify the grain as single-perforated (SP) or multi-
perforated (MP). Do not print sample data directly on inner
pack, i.e., aluminized bag. Flaking of bag material results in
loss of sample data.