SB 742-1
o. Missing warning labels are not a defect for M524A5 and
G-6. Inspection description and notes.
M524A6 fuzes. Cartridges missing warning labels will not be
a. All models with fuzes having a safe setting.
classified unserviceable based on this condition. DSR cards
b. All models with fuzes requiring a safety wire, safety pin, will be annotated and labels replaced during future renovation.
or bore riding pin.
p. Any visual defect that would permit air and moisture to
enter the container is to be classified as a major defect. Lots
c. All except M68 models.
rejected for defective monopack containers are to be assigned
d. All fuzed cartridges.
condition code C.
e. All unfuzed HE cartridges.
q. Damaged metal outer containers for the M821 or M889
cartridges are not to be classified defective unless inspection
f. All models with closing plugs.
indicates damage to inner container or damage is severe
g. Gage with a profile and alignment gage only if visually enough to require replacement for shipment. Internal cushion-
for ing will protect monopack inner container from damage even
when metal container has dents one inch in depth.
identification of cracks.)
r. Discoloration of propellant charge containers is a result
h. When the component is damaged to the extent that its
functional effectiveness has been destroyed, it will be classified of high humidity and temperature in storage. Color change is
from normal light yellow to dark yellow to light green
as a defect.
progressing to darker shades of green.
Splotches of
i. When the fin assembly can be turned upon application discoloration rather than a uniform transition of entire charge
of hand pressure, it will be classified as a defect.
container evidences change. When discoloration is present
inspections should focus on:
j. Normally done only during initial receipt inspection. See
(1) Possible residue buildup on the portion of the fin
which is adjacent to the propellant containers.
k. Caked explosive in threads will be classified as a defect.
Explosive dust will not be considered a defect.
propellant charge supports. Breakdown of this foam leaves
l. Ignition cartridge must be assembled with red end
residue on the charge containers.
towards the fin (dwg 8881026). Cartridges with combined
ignition cartridge and primer do not require specific
(3) Cartridges are to be considered serviceable if
orientation. These include trainers and improved 81 mm car- discolored propellant containers are hard, intact and buildup
does not cover ignition flash holes. Cartridges exhibiting these
conditions or with foam adhering to he propellant containers
m. Rigid propellant containers have a water resistant
are to be assigned condition code C for priority of issue.
Cracks, dents, seam, or propellant fill hole cover delamination
or other damage would be classified as a major defect. If
damage is severe enough to permit propellant to escape, the
defect is critical. To check integrity of propellant containers,
place the charge on a fin and hand shake vigorously three
n. Projectile body (HE or WP) with open or closed crack
(cold-shut) is a safety hazard during firing.