SB 742-1
lateral movement are not considered defective unless one or
more of the following conditions are noted:
(a) Cartridge deformation preventing profile and
a. DODAC: 1315-C521.
alignment gaging or chambering.
b. Ammunition Type: Cartridge, 105mm Armor-Piercing
(b) Crimp out of groove.
Fin-Stabilized, Discarding-Sabot, with Tracer, (APFSDS-T)
(c) Evidence of propellant dusting on the outside
of the cartridge case or projectile.
c. The M735 cartridge has six main components that are
(2) The ability to fully gage or chamber the round
of particular concern in surveillance inspections.
components and their basic material compositions are as should be the determining factor in doubtful cases.
b. Testing has demonstrated that the electric primer
assembled to this round is insensitive to initiation from
(1) Sub projectile: tungsten (core); steel/nickel (body).
mechanical impact.
(2) Sabot: aluminum (anodized).
therefore to be considered major defects rather than critical.
(Any straight edge rule is suitable for checking this
(3) Bourrelet: steel.
(4) Obturating Band: nylon.
c. Pending fielding of a gage calibrated to the maximum
allowable amount of windshield or windshield tip deformation,
(5) Windshield: aluminum (anodized).
any visible amount of bend, or other conformation irregularity
(6) Windshield tip: steel.
is to be considered a major defect.
d. The design of the M735 round is typical of the new
family of 105 mm APFSDS-T cartridges (such as the M735,
e. Primers must be staked in two places, approximately
M774 and M833). While lacking the depleted uranium (DU)
180-degrees apart. Stakes should show evidence of moving
core of the M774 or M833, the M735 cartridge does contain
cartridge case material into joint at cartridge case to primer.
other design features characteristic of this family that warrant
Stakes on primers with wrench holes will not necessarily
special emphasis during life-cycle surveillance of this round.
deform wrench hole.
If there is no evidence of metal
deformation at cartridge case and primer joint, then perform
appendix. For a complete, detailed description of this group of
the following:
items, see appropriate TMs, drawings, and specifications.
(1) Mark a line across primer head and cartridge
I-2. Unique safety precautions.
case.Apply disassembly torque of 175-inch pounds.
No unique safety precautions are applicable to this item.
(2) Check line to verify no movement.
I-3. Testing and equipment requirements.
Table I-2 identifies test and
measurement equipment and
a. TM 9-1300-251-20&P
gaging requirements.
b. TM 9-1300-251-34&P
I-4. Inspection category and sampling plan.
c. TM 9-1015-203-12
a. Inspection category W:
5 years (for items in depot
d. TM 9-1015-234-10
e. TM 9-1015-252-10
c. A stockpile reliability test program will be conducted on
f. TM.43-0001-28
this cartridge. Samples selected for inclusion in this program
will be inspected visually in accordance with table I-1 prior to
shipment to the test site. Inspection results will be annotated
on a DSR card and a copy of the card forwarded to addressee
The sampling interval will be as
prescribed by HQ JMC. This program is designed to see what
effect storage, uploading, handling, and downloading have on
performance. Both ballistic testing and teardown inspection
will be performed at designated CONUS locations.
d. Annual basic load inspection will be performed on this
I-5. Specific inspection points.
Item will be inspected and classified according to chapter 2
I-6. Inspection description and notes.
a. Inspection for excessive lateral movement of projectile: