SB 742-1
(2) Additional information can be obtained from
H-3. Testing and equipment requirements.
a. Gage all IRI samples using gages identified in table H-1,
a. DODACS 1315-:
as applicable. Gaging is not normally required during PI, RI,
or UBLI. Gaging, during these inspections (other than IRI),
should be limited to individual rounds having visual evidence
of damage or other conditions that may preclude loading and
Unless the rounds requiring gaging are truly
representative of the lot being inspected, they should be
b. Ammunition Type:
Cartridge, 105mm howitzer.
b. Assure either Preformed Packing (O-ring), NSN
Includes the following models: M1, HE; M760, HE; M60 series,
WP; M84 series, HC, BE; M314 series, Illuminating; M327
conducting inspection of M444, HE. This will avoid delay in
series, HEP and HEP-T; M395, Blank; M444, HE (ICM); M546,
assembling torque-tested fuzes to projectile. Always use new
APERS-T; M548, HERA; M913, HERA, and M629, Tactical CS.
Preformed Packing for assembling fuze to projectile.
Does not include toxic filled or M413 (ICM), HE, and M84B1,
Leaflet that are type classified obsolete. Does not include
c. Ammunition drawings require that the supplementary
C430, C431, C432, CA17 (fixed crimped HE M1) developed for
charge be immobile in the HE cartridges. LAP Plants assemble
Air Force use, and C472 (HEAT-T).
pulltab type closing plugs to cartridges at manufacture.
Inspectors can remove these plugs without breaking the tab by
c. Army 105mm howitzer cartridges are semi-fixed and
using a fuze wrench or prying tool to tap/pry them out.
fired from rifled howitzers. A complete service round consists
Inspectors can re-use serviceable plastic closing plugs, with
of a projectile, fuze, cartridge case with primer and propelling
intact pull-tabs, on surveillance samples. The following NSNs
Cartridges are issued fuzed or unfuzed.
For a
are available as replacement plugs, if required:
complete description of these rounds see TM 43-0001-28 and
drawing for respective round.
(1) 1315-01-188-3211,
H-2. Unique safety precautions.
(2) 1315-00-987-1621,
a. Fuze MTSQ M501 and M501A1 are not drop safe.
(3) 1315-00-821-6608
Dropping or rough handling of projectile assembled with either
fuze can and has resulted in fuze functioning and expulsion of H-4. Inspection category and sampling plan.
projectile contents.
a. Inspection category.
(1) Category W: Lots with other than M67 propelling
carefully. They are susceptible to sustaining non-visible cracks
on nose or ogive area if dropped or struck against a hard charges.
Potential for cracking increases greatly when
(2) Category Y: Lots with M67 propelling charges less
temperature drops below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Projectiles than 15 years old, except M84 series, HC Smoke BE, and
dropped onto hard surface during course of inspection, or M629 Tactical CS.
suspected of having been dropped due to visible damage,
(3) Category Z: Lots with M67 propelling charges 15
should be segregated and assigned an unserviceable condition
years and older, and M84 series, HC Smoke BE and M629,
Tactical CS.
c. Dummy Propelling Charge M3 assembled to M14
b. Cartridges with M67 Propelling Charges: HE, M1;
cartridges is loaded with "asbestos, short fiber, commercial."
All 105MM M14 Dummy Cartridges are to be assigned SMOKE, WP M60 series; HC, M84 series; ILLUMINATING,
Condition Code HOTEL for disposal. Ammunition Surveillance M314 series AND HE, M444 (ICM)
organizations should coordinate with 105MM firing units to
(1) Lots with M67 propelling charges that are 15 years
effect turn in to ammunition supply points.
old and older and/or have been retrograded from Southwest
(1) The M3 Dummy Propelling Charges can be turned Asia (SWA) ("y" lots) are not to be cleared for shipment to basic
into the local Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO) load, PREPO, AFLOAT, or pre-positioned war reserve. Lots
with "y" identifier that were renovated with newer M67
providing following conditions are met:
propelling charges can be cleared for these shipments.
(2) A pre-issue inspection is required for all 105MM
organic, or ignitable materials capable of exploding or
detonating. Qualified personnel will inspect the items to howitzer ammunition with M67 Propelling Charges that are 15
assure they are inert, and sign a statement testifying to this years old and older and/or retrograded from SWA (lots with "Y"
identifier). Lots with PI equivalent inspection within previous
effect on the DD FORM 1348.
60 days may be exempted from this requirement based on
(b) Charges that are being used in the field must judgment of local Chief of Surveillance. This requirement does
be double bagged in plastic and placed in 55 gallon drums. not apply to lots with "Y" identifier that were renovated with
Items currently in depot storage may be turned into DRMO in newer M67 Propelling Charges.
their over pack configuration.
(3) Report cartridges/lots found with deteriorated
(c) A profile sheet, Material Safety Data Sheet propelling charges IAW DA PAM 738-750 with a courtesy copy
(MSDS) or a printout from the DOD Hazardous Material to addresse in paragraph 1-5d(21)(d).
Information System (HMIS) database, describing the asbestos
must accompany the load sent in for disposal.