SB 742-1
i. Foreign matter in fuze well may be ascertained to be
g. Polysulfide rubber on fuze threads or O-rings between
inert or high explosives by use of laboratory analysis.
fuze and ogive are alternate methods to seal fuze well against
Webster's Reagent is unreliable and may only be utilized to
intrusion of moisture. Absence of one or the other might cause
confirm inertness. Color of explosives will range from burnt
degradation of expulsion charge with failure of cargo to eject
orange to brown color when reagent is applied to TNT or
h. Propelling Charges.
(1) Exudate may be identified as an oily liquid or
(1) M67 Propelling charge.
resolidified mass at edges, bottom and/or sides of fuze well
liner. Exudate results when explosives have been exposed to
(a) Consists of seven numbered increment bags.
elevated temperatures (above authorized storage temperature),
Increments are stacked in cartridge case starting with
over a period of time and are forced through interface of fuze
increment one at the base.
well liner and projectile. TNT contaminated with products
(b) Charge 5 has lead foil sewn into bag (except
residual to manufacturing process is prone to this. Lot history
for charges with integral lead carbonate). Foil must face
should be reviewed to expose extraordinary circumstances that
primer. Visual inspection will indicate whether this is present.
could reveal cause of exudation, i.e. desert storage in South
West Asia.
(c) Lead carbonate has been introduced as an
alternate to lead foil in new manufacture and was utilized
(2) Other causes of TNT explosives contamination are
exclusively, beginning with propellant lot RAD84C-070356.
sloppy workmanship at time of manufacture and migration of
This compound is integral with the propellant grain in charges
small flakes from under fuze well liner.
The latter form of
3 through 7 and its presence cannot be determined by visual
examination. Review of propelling charge Ammunition Data
be annotated on surveillance records and removed incidental
Card may not reveal lead carbonate or lead foil as components.
to required minor maintenance.
manufactured prior to RAD84C-070356 require lead foil.
due to defective expulsion charge is a critical defect.
k. Evidence of white phosphorus (WP) filler in fuze well is
a critical defect. Submerge projectile in water filled container
this appendix. Special emphasis will be placed on condition of
cloth. Inspection history demonstrates loss of tensile strength when condition is encountered.
may occur without prior discoloration.
l. Remove supplementary charge, insert two fingers into
fuze well, apply pressure to side of liner and attempt to remove
(e) Assembled to HE, M1; Smoke, WP M60 series;
HC Smoke, M84 series; Tactical CS, M629; Illuminating, M314 it. Lot will not be rejected for loose fuze well liners. Instead,
Depot Surveillance Record Card will be annotated and defect
series; HE (ICM), M444.
corrected at time of other required maintenance.
(2) M176 Propelling Charge -
Consists of five
m. Superficial cracks in closure cup will not be cause for
increments numbered 3 through 7 stacked starting with
number 3 at the base. Charge assembled only to HERA, M548. rejection. Cartridge is defective if cracks are deep enough to
allow moisture contamination.
(3) M121 Propelling Charge assembled only to APERS-
n. Procedures and accept/reject criteria are specified in
T, M546, consists of two increments numbered 6 and 7 with
number 6 found at the base.
o. A .006 feeler gage shall not enter this joint more than
(4) Charge, Propelling for Cartridge, 105mm, HEP-T
1/8 inch for 360 degrees. This criteria is only applicable to
M327 (no model number) is a single increment charge
ammunition in field service account.
assembled only to HEP, HEP-T M327.
(5) M200 Propelling Charge - Single increment charge H-7. References.
assembled only to HE, M760.
a. TM 9-1300-251-20&P
(6) M229
Propelling Charge - Single increment,
b. TM 9-1300-251-34&P
similar to M200 except for presence of flash reducer assembled
to muzzle end of charge. Assembled only to HERA, M913
c. TM 9-1015-203-12
(7) Test tensile strength of cloth by placing parallel
d. TM 9-1015-234-10
thumbs firmly on the propellant bag and applying tension to
e. TM 9-1015-252-10
the cloth by spreading thumbs outward. Weakness of the
cloth should be obvious. Inspector must take care so as not to
f. TM 43-0001-28
severely rupture the bag, which would result in propellant
spillage. Blue spots on bag usually accompany loss of tensile
strength. Assign priority of issue for training and shorten
inspection cycle (at discretion of QASAS in charge) if blue bags
are noted but no evidence of loss of tensile strength.
Ammunition not authorized for training will only be assigned
ashorter inspection cycle.
(8) Small holes in bags are acceptable, providing they
do not allow loss of propellant and are not attributable to