SB 742-1
U-8. Repair procedures for missing/damaged/ improperly
positioned shielding/fin restraint band or missing tape that
MK66 rocket motors (all MODS) with damaged or
holds band to nozzle of MK66 MODS 1, 2 and 4 rocket motors.
missing end shield, EMR shield, shielding/fin
restraint band, or aluminum tape are considered
a. If shielding/fin restraint band is loose or damaged, hold
safe for transport or storage in approved containers.
fins closed while removing shielding/fin restraint band. Fins
l. While any crack or bulge in the motor tube is a critical are spring-actuated and may cause injury to personnel if they
defect, particular attention should be given to the lock wire accidentally snap open. If fins do open accidentally, collapse
the wrap around fins by pushing forward on aft surface of each
fin to move fin from the deployed position to the stowed
position (flush with the motor tube).
The end shield is designed to help protect the MK
b. Apply one and one-half wraps of aluminum tape to rear
66 rocket motor from accidental ignition by
electrostatic discharge or other sources of
Assure aluminum tape completely covers the contact band.
c. Fold back a one-inch length of aluminum tape to form a
the rocket motor is not considered safe to "hot-tube
tear tab.
It is vital that only the aluminum tape
identified below be used for repair. Anything other
d. For missing ordnance tape, place a 4-inch length of
than metallic tape will not protect against
ordnance tape diagonally across tab of shielding/fin restraint
accidental ignition.
band and onto surface of nozzle body. Fold back a one half-
U-7. Repair procedures for missing/damaged end shield inch length of
ordnance tape to
form a
tear tab.
shielding/fin restraint band is improperly positioned, first
(MK 66 Mods)
squeeze fins and move restraint band until it completely covers
a. Remove damaged end shield.
contact band. Then add a 4-inch length of ordnance tape.
b. Inspect for damaged weather seal or igniter lead wire.
U-9. Lots with suffix "AXA" or
"XA" are not to be
Damage to weather seal is considered a MAJOR defect and a
defective, and the presence of the extra "A" is not grounds for
broken igniter lead wire is considered a CRITICAL defect. The
remarking, reclassification or submission of Quality Deficiency
weather seal is 2.5 inches forward of the aft face of the nozzle.
Reports (QDR).
Weather seal is considered damaged if it contains a hole or a
cut through the entire weather seal. Inspect weather seal and
broken lead wire for defects only if the end shield is missing or
a. TM 9-1340-222-20
has been removed for repair due to damage.
b. TM 9-1340-222-34
c. Clean surface of the fin and nozzle assembly with clean
rag and approved solvents.
c. TM 43-0001-30
d. Using Tape, pressure sensitive, aluminum, 3 inch wide
d. TM 43-0001-47
(0.005 inch nominal thickness) procured to Fed Spec L-T-80,
e. DMWR 9-1340-0000-F20
cut a piece of tape of sufficient area to cover nozzle assembly
f. Ammunition Peculiar Equipment Operational Manual
available from regional GSA supply center.
and Parts List for APE 1189 Rocket Motor Continuity Tester.
e. Apply tape to nozzle end, noting the location of the 3 fin
pinholes. Ensure that tape adheres to the surface and that
tape is not wrinkled.
f. Using any suitable pointed tool, puncture tape at the
location of the fin pinholes. Punctures serve as reference
points when rocket is loaded into the launcher.
g. Trim off tape, which extends beyond the circumference
of nozzle end.
The shielding/fin restraint band is designed to help
protect the MK 66 mods 1, 2, and 4 rocket motors
from accidental ignition by electrostatic discharge
restraint band is missing, damaged, or improperly
positioned, the rocket motor is not considered safe
to "hot-tube load". It is vital that only the aluminum
tape identified below be used for repair. Anything
other than metallic tape will not protect against
accidental ignition."