SB 742-1
(a) Receipts from storage installations, posts, camps,
2-4. Types of
inspection. The principal types of
and stations with qualified ammunition surveillance personnel
to be performed on ammunition materiel are defined below.
(assigned QASAS, military ammunition inspectors, MOS 55B,
a. Initial Receipt Inspection (IRI). Initial receipt and properly trained and designated civilian technicians) and
inspection will be performed within 30 days after receipt or with documentation that certifies the materiel has been
prior to shipment (whichever comes first) on materiel received subjected to 100 percent inspection for serviceability and
directly from the manufacturer, vendor, or Government activity explosive contamination should be accepted in the condition
and has been inspected and accepted by the Government at assigned by the inspecting installation. Material certified free
the point of origin. This inspection is expected to identify gross of explosive contamination by the shipping installation is
manufacturer errors and is not intended as manufacturer's suitable for storage in inert areas.
acceptance type inspection. An IRI includes Damage in Transit
(b) Assignment of condition code K and 100 percent
(DIT) inspection (see para 2.4l) expanded to include inspection
for gross manufacturer errors, certain type manufacturing receipt inspection is not required for on-post accumulation of
materiel generated from maintenance, demilitarization, load,
defects, and includes inspection of item.
assembly, and pack (LAP) operations which is stored in
(1) DIT (see para 2.4l) is required for materiel that has a segregated areas set aside for the exclusive storage of class V
current periodic inspection IAW IOC R 702-2 and this SB materiel. The materiel shall be given a 100-percent inspection
received from a JMC plant with an assigned QASAS.
prior to shipment, use, disposal, or storage in an inert area.
(2) Lot Clustering procedures will be used according to
(c) Materiel placed in inert storage areas or offered to
instructions of para 2-6c. All lots received will be individually Defense Reutilization Management Office (DRMO) must have
inspected for damage in transit (see para 2.4l). One lot of each had a 100 percent inspection, verified on a sampling basis by a
cluster will receive an IRI.
QASAS, and be certified as explosive free according to DOD
(3) For materiel that cannot be lot clustered, inspection 4160.21M and DOD 4160.21M1. Certifications and inspection
will be on a sampling basis by individual lot and will receive an records must be maintained for materiel held in inert storage
areas. Storage area and materiel must be controlled to ensure
inspected and certified stocks are separated from materiel not
b. Receipt Inspection (RI).
properly inspected and certified as being free of explosive
(1) Condition Code K will be assigned to all ammunition
lots received without a valid inspection. AR 725-50 limits the
(d) Serviceability
determined using
assignment of Condition Code K to a period not to exceed 45 appropriate criteria given in paragraph 2-7.
Degree of
explosive contamination, if any, will be determined in
conjunction with foregoing inspections.
Wooden packing
(2) When materiel is received from an activity with an
materials treated with pentachlorophenol (referred to as PCP or
assigned QASAS (see para 1-3b) and the DSR Card stipulates
PENTA) must be properly identified. Containers that have
that required inspections/tests were performed on the lot
contained depleted uranium cartridges will be tested according
within the specified time interval, inspection will be for damage
to AR 11-9 to ensure that they are free of radioactive
in transit only (see para 2.4l). If additional inspection is
indicated, the scope will be determined by the QASAS in
charge. Lot Clustering provisions of para 2-6c will be used
(e) The extent of inspection will be altered by the
whenever possible. If munitions are received without a DSR QASAS in charge as required.
card, request it from the shipping activity. If DSR card is not
(f) Materiel received with proper certification or
available follow procedures listed in para 2-4b(3).
(3) Materiel received without an accompanying DSR card shipped to other depots or plants without additional inspection
will be inspected as follows:
prior to shipment.
Copies of the certification and/or
documentation will be provided to the consignee.
(a) Containers will be inspected 100 percent for
presence of seals. Contents of unsealed containers will be
c. Acceptance inspection (AI). Acceptance inspection is
inspected 100 percent. Gaging will be performed as required performed on materiel received from contractor or plant
requiring inspection and acceptance at destination, materiel
inspected at origin and requiring acceptance at destination,
(b) Sealed containers and their contents will be
and components from demilitarization to be reused or restored
inspected on a sampling basis by lot for damage in transit,
to stockpile. Instructions for AI will be furnished by the
applicable commodity command, when required.
(c) The extent of inspection will be altered by the receiving materiel from procurement for stock will process DD
QASAS in charge when the documentation received or the Form 250 (Materiel Inspection and Receiving Report) according
condition or configuration of the materiel indicates that an to Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS), Appendix F.
increase or decrease in the scope of inspection is required or
d. Periodic inspection (PI) (cyclic).
All serviceable
required and non-required stocks (condition codes A, B, C, D
(4) Used packaging material (i.e., boxes, fiber containers, and N) will be inspected periodically for deterioration and
filler material, eyebolt lifting plugs, closing plugs, etc.) will be nonstandard conditions for classification of true level of
serviceability. Periodic inspection interval requirements in
inspected as follows: