SB 742-1
(1) Where a previous inspection has established a static
(4) Lots or lot clusters determined to be potentially
condition; e.g., a rocket continuity test failure that has
hazardous will be inspected as frequently as necessary to
established a requirement for 100-percent replacement or
assure continued safe storage of the lot. Necessary actions will
inspection of igniters), such tests should not be performed
be taken to identified and ensure demilitarization of this
during subsequent inspections. Disassembly for inspection of
materiel before it becomes hazardous. Intervals in Table 2-1
manufacturing type defects (measuring, weighing, etc.) will not
will be utilized. QASAS in Charge may reduce interval as
be performed unless required by a specific procedure or
required. Classify this materiel to Condition Code (CC) H and
directed by the appropriate commodity command (see para 1-
assign defect code C018EZ.
(5) Lots or lot clusters determined to be nonhazardous in
(2) For SMCA managed required and non-required
terms of normal storage and handling will receive an SIS at
stocks in condition codes A, B, C, D and N, PIs will be
twice the designated PI interval.
performed at the time intervals specified in Table 2-1. PIs (not
(a) Lots in SIS status will remain in the appropriate
condition code. Defect code C018DH (old) CAA843 (new) will be
unserviceable/suspended SMCA managed required stocks at
assigned when the lot exceeds one SIS assigned interval. The
twice the listed inspection interval.
Interval for US Army
SIS assigned interval is twice the interval in Table 2-2 of this
Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) managed items will
manual. Lots in SIS status may require a serviceability
be as directed by the item SB. PIs will not be performed on
inspection IAW 2-4h prior to issue.
stocks in the Resource Recovery and Disposition Accounts
(b) Navy owned, SMCA managed stocks will receive
(3) If stocks are stored under adverse conditions, the SIS inspections and be maintained in their appropriate
materiel must be examined more frequently as determined condition code, defect code C018DU (old); CAA874 (new) will be
necessary by the QASAS in charge.
assigned to these stocks.
(4) All stocks of propellant items, including all owners
(6) Unless a periodic inspection is elected IAW paragraph
and condition codes, stored at JMC locations will receive a PI 2-4e(1) note, condition code "J" will be assigned to lots that
are not inspected by the time they reach twice the SIS assigned
interval and defect code C018TM (old), CAA88B (new) applied.
e. Safety in storage inspection (SIS).
An item in SIS status is assigned an interval of twice the
(1) SIS assures stocks are safe for continued storage and interval in Table 2-2 of this manual. Condition code "J" is not
assigned until the inspection is overdue by twice the SIS
handling. Inspections will be performed on:
assigned interval (i.e. a category Z item in Table 2-2 would
(a) Unserviceable non-required stocks
have an SIS assigned interval of 4 years and CC-J would be
applied after 8 years). AR 725-50 limits the assignment of
(b) Navy owned/ SMCA managed
condition code "J" to a period not to exceed 270 days. An
inspection will be performed within 270 days of the date that
(c) Unserviceable, non-repairable ammunition
condition code "J" is assigned.
(d) All stocks in the Resource Recovery and
(7) Sampling plans for SIS inspections will be
Disposition Accounts (RRDA), whether serviceable or
determined by the QASAS in charge. The minimum sample
size for potentially hazardous items is that indicated in Table
(2) Handling includes those preparatory actions 2-3. The minimum sample size for nonhazardous items is one-
necessary to demilitarize or transport the item. The QASAS half that indicated in Table 2-3.
will determine whether the conditions noted are immediately
(a) Accept-reject criteria will not be used. The QASAS
hazardous or could result in a hazardous situation for
handling, storage, or transportation. SIS inspections are not will determine whether the lot can be expected to remain
required for inert ammunition. When performing SIS nonhazardous during the SIS inspection interval. For lot
inspections, ammunition materiel will only be inspected for clusters; defects found within the sampled lot which could
defects that could affect further safe storage and handling, affect safe storage or handling will cause a change in the
such as exposed explosives, corrosion that could lead to status of the sampled lot IAW paragraphs 2-4e(2), (3), and (4)
(b) Testing or gaging is not required.
In some cases, the time and effort required to
SIS inspections will normally be performed in the surveillance
perform a periodic inspection is the same or is
workshop and must include inspection of outer pack, inner
marginally more than required for an SIS
pack, and item.
inspection. The decision to perform a PI in lieu of
ammunition (except cartridges with chemical or explosive
an SIS is at the discretion of the QASAS in charge.
If a PI is performed, record it on the DSR card as a
Examination of outer packs in storage is normally sufficient for
PI and schedule an SIS for the next inspection.
small arms ammunition up to .50 caliber.
(3) Lots determined to pose an immediate threat to life,
f. Storage monitoring inspection (SMI).
health, or government property will be reported for emergency
(1) Storage monitoring inspection is performed as
required by applicable technical instructions for specific items
or as determined necessary by the QASAS in charge. It is
performed on items while in the storage site and includes but
is not necessarily limited to--