SB 742-1
b. The normal interval of inspection for each category is
(a) Inspection of lethal chemical agent munitions
containers of bulk lethal chemical agent, or containerized given in Table 2-2. This interval is to apply unless specified
lethal chemical agent munitions to detect leakers and other otherwise in the inspection procedures for a specific item or is
adjusted according to paragraphs c through e below.
visual defects.
Serviceable lot(s) will be assigned defect code C018DH (old), or
(b) Reading and recording pressure and relative CAA843 (new) (overdue for inspection) when the elapsed time
humidity of items packaged in pressurized or desiccated since the date of the last inspection exceeds the assigned
interval by 6 months. The lot/lot cluster will remain in the
(2) Frequency of SMI will be as required by the technical previously assigned condition code until either the required
instructions for the specific item. SMI may also be conducted inspection is performed or the lot/lot cluster reaches twice the
assigned interval. Condition code J will be assigned to the
when determined necessary by the QASAS in charge.
lot(s) that are not inspected by the time they reach twice the
g. Special inspections (SPI).
These inspections are assigned inspection interval and defect code CO18TM (overdue
performed at the direction of higher headquarters or to satisfy for inspection by twice the interval) applied. AR 725-50 limits
special or local requirements when approved by the QASAS in the assignment of condition code "J" to a period not to exceed
charge. Reason(s) for conducting SPI must be entered in the 270 days. An inspection will be performed within 270 days of
inspection remarks.
the date that condition code "J" is assigned.
h. Preissue inspections (PII). This is an inspection other
c. When the inspection results of a specific lot or lot cluster
than a PI that must be performed prior to issue. Examples are
reveal progressive degradation of such degree that the lot may
ammunition requiring a special check for specific defects as
become unserviceable before expiration of the assigned
determined by QASAS in charge or as directed by higher
category interval, the QASAS in Charge will schedule the next
headquarters; or lots in SIS status, which require a
inspection at a shorter interval based on conditions detected,
serviceability inspection prior to issue. A lot or lot cluster
storage conditions, and materiel involved.
overdue for PI will be given a PI prior to shipment, not a PII.
d. The normal interval of inspection may be expanded
whenever local storage conditions, climatic conditions, and
7, 8 and 12
will be
used. Reasons for conducting PII must be
previous inspections justify. A prime concern in the area of
entered in inspection reports. Navy owned munitions in SIS
climatic conditions must be the degree of relative humidity.
status will receive a PII prior to shipment.
The QASAS in charge is responsible for determining those
i. Verification inspection (VI).
This inspection is
items, specific lots and lot clusters that will be placed in an
performed on materiel processed during preservation and
expanded inspection interval status. As a minimum, adjusting
packaging (P&P) and maintenance (renovation, modification,
an interval of inspection for items, specific lots or lot clusters
overhaul, etc.) type operations. Verification inspection will be
will be based on the following criteria:
(1) Each lot or lot cluster being considered for expanded
j. Basic load inspection (BLI). Basic load inspection is interval status must have had an IRI, RI, or VI.
performed on stocks of munitions (to include training, security,
(2) Data from previous inspections must indicate that no
and contingency stocks) maintained by a military unit or
This includes security forces at appreciable degradation has occurred.
civilian security forces.
installations where AR 50-6 applies. Chapter 8 of this SB
(3) Lots and lot clusters will be stratified by Department
contains additional instructions.
of Defense Identification Code (DODIC), and any other criteria
k. Surveillance function test inspection (SFTI). Function determined applicable (such as manufacturer, age, condition,
test of ammunition will be conducted according to paragraphs storage history) and each stratum considered as a whole for
3-1 through 3-3 and SB
3-series or SB
742-series publications possible interval expansion. This procedure is
not intended to
for the specific item to be tested. The visual inspection be used on a one-time basis to extend intervals on lots or lot
conducted in conjunction with the preparation of function test clusters overdue for inspection. It is intended to identify types
samples may satisfy the PI required for the lot(s) tested, of ammunition that can be considered for change of category
based on actual inspection history.
however, additional samples may be required.
(4) An expanded inspection interval may consist of an
l. Damage in Transit (DIT). Damage in transit may be
increase of up to one whole interval. The QASAS in charge is
performed during IRI or RI inspections (see para 2.4a and
authorized to implement an expanded inspection interval. A
2.4b(2). DITs include inspection of exterior packaging and
brief history of the lots involved and rationale for the expanded
marking for deficiencies, correct unitization procedures, and
interval implemented must be furnished to JMC, Surveillance
nonstandard conditions on packaging based on applicable
Office for use in future inspection interval research.
e. For operational efficiency, all similar items should be
2-5. Periodic inspection intervals.
programmed during the same month of a given year's PI
a. The normal interval of inspection for required stocks is
schedule. To establish and maintain a schedule by like items,
it is permissible to vary the date of next inspection (DNIN) by
decreasing the interval as much as 5 months or increasing the
inspection interval categories that are assigned to items as
interval as much as 6 months (i.e., a lot due for PI in Oct 2003
appropriate. For items in outside storage see para 10-3.
may be scheduled as early as May 2003 or as late as Apr
2004). Adjusting the schedule in this manner will have no
(1) Materiel with high turn over rates, needed to fill issue