SB 742-1
(3) Selection and preparation of stockpile laboratory test
(1) A DSR card, DA Form 3022-R, will be maintained for
each lot of ammunition. SMCA installations will use the DSR program samples will be accomplished according to
instructions contained in this bulletin, the applicable SB for
in lieu of AFTO Form 15.
the particular item, and instructions from the appropriate
(2) AFTO Form 15's received from Air Force units in headquarters.
support of munitions shipments contain valid inspection
(4) Selection and preparation of function or trace test
JMC surveillance organizations will utilize these
inspections when determining date of next inspection. If AFTO samples for shipment to a test facility will be accomplished
Form 15 indicates that item being received has a current according to instructions contained in this bulletin, the
inspection then any receipt inspection performed will be applicable SB for the particular item, and instructions from the
limited to a damage in transit inspection.
appropriate headquarters.
(3) Hermetically sealed containers will NOT be opened for
(5) Selection and preparation of propellant samples for
inspection purposes unless item TO specifically directs
shipment to a test facility will be accomplished IAW paragraph
containers to be opened or the outer appearance of container
indicates signs of damage or corrosion that may have
b. Sample Inspection.
penetrated the container.
Items in previously opened
hermetically sealed containers will be 100% inspected. Defects
(1) All inspections and tests will be conducted by or
found on these items will not be considered for determining lot
under the supervision of a QASAS.
serviceability, nor will they be considered for sample selection
specifications, SOPs, and Ammunition Data Cards (ADC)
(4) If specific item technical order requires testing of
during all prescribed inspections is required and will be
stocks with equipment not available contact servicing Air Force
supplemented by related technical publications. Deviation
liaison or JMC Surveillance Office for guidance.
from standards delineated in these references must be made a
matter of record both in reports to other agencies and on Depot
(5) Air Force owned munitions in an unserviceable,
Surveillance Record (DSR) Cards.
economically repairable condition code (CC/E, F, G), will be
inspected at their normal periodic cycle for defects that may
(a) Ensure that the item being inspected is
compared with a drawing or specification with the same
(6) Certain AF owned items are exempt from normal revision under which it was manufactured or modified.
periodic inspection IAW TO 11A-1-10; see para 3.5 for detailed
(b) In the event of a conflict between defect
instructions. The requirements of this SB, para 2-4d and e classifications in surveillance SBs and the specification,
will apply.
information in the SB will take precedence when classifying
f. All service owned/service managed stocks will inspected defects for ammunition.
IAW with the owning services' criteria and scheduled for
(c) The specific item information contained in the
inspection IAW the owning services inspection criteria.
appendices, supplement the criteria contained in the body of
g. Lot clustering is applicable to all conventional stocks this bulletin. The use of the appendices is mandatory for the
with the exception of navy owned stocks (see para 2-6c(1)) and conduct of the surveillance inspections for applicable items.
Each appendix is tailored to a specific item or family of items.
shall be used.
They are intended to enhance readiness of the U.S. Army by
h. Ammunition containing depleted uranium will be providing a standardized basis for the conduct of surveillance
scheduled for inspection IAW owing services criteria or this SB inspections worldwide; place emphasis of surveillance
whichever is more restrictive.
inspections on those components which are most susceptible
2-3. Selection, inspection, and disposition of
identify potential problem areas as early as possible during the
life cycle, so that corrective action can be planned and
a. Sample selection.
accomplished in a timely manner.
(1) Sample will be selected and tagged in storage for
(d) The appendices are written, staffed, and
inspection by a QASAS and must be representative of the
entire lot or lot cluster under evaluation. The evaluation will approved for ammunition that has been accepted into the field
include overall condition of the lot/lot cluster in storage and service account. The primary emphasis is the detection of
will be recorded on the inspection report. Judgment must be defects that would adversely affect the safe storage,
exercised by the QASAS to ensure maximum representation transportation, or reliable use of the item. Therefore, in some
without unnecessary rewarehousing.
classification, and permissible measured tolerances contained
(2) Samples of items that cannot be feasibly returned to in the appendix will conflict with criteria contained on
the original package configuration (e.g., hermetically sealed drawings and in specifications. Where this occurs, the criteria
containers, small arms ammunition packed in metal contained in the appendix will take precedence (verification
(terneplate) lined M1917 boxes, and heat-sealed barrier bags) inspection conducted at time of renovation excluded).
will be used on a recurring basis if sampled lot is not part of a
(3) Requests for ammunition drawings will be made to
If the recurring samples indicate progression of
deterioration type defects, lot acceptability will be determined the applicable command as referenced in paragraph 1-5d(5).
by inspection of an additional sample from original sealed
If the sampled items are part of a lot cluster,
such samples will not be used on a recurring basis until all
lots in the cluster have been inspected and the inspection cycle