SB 742-1
i. Lots rejected according to Table 2-3 for failure to gage
b. Gages must be requisitioned expeditiously by
during other than IRI will be reclassified to condition code D
ammunition surveillance organizations for LCC-A or B
(for major or minor defects) or J (for critical defects) pending
ammunition on-hand or due in from new production (see para
receipt of disposition instructions from JMC. The information
5-2). Retention and
deployment of
gages associated with the
policies stated herein should be centrally managed on a
in para. 1-5d(1) by message (for critical defects) or memo (for
theater, command, or other basis to minimize costs and
major or minor defects).
maximize usage.
c. Gaging will be accomplished whenever possible during 2-9. Condition codes.
initial receipt inspection or at the next regularly scheduled
a. Information on the use of condition codes can be found in
periodic inspection. Sample size will be as specified in Table 2-
3. For a
lot that has been gaged at
least once during its Appendix C.
storage life cycle, use of gages during subsequent inspections
b. All condition codes must be assigned by a QASAS.
will only be required when specifically directed by this bulletin, QASAS must review and approve any reclassification action.
JMC Surveillance Office, or when conditions (i.e., damage,
QASAS to direct additional gaging.
d. Precision-measuring instruments that are not Category
micrometers, etc.) will be used to inspect for critical and major Activators ................................................................... X
defects whenever specifically required by this bulletin, the
Additive Jacket ........................................................... Y
complete round drawing, military specification, or by direction
from higher headquarters, under the same terms given above Ammunition fixed and semi-fixed, 37mm
for gages.
through 165mm for guns and howitzers:
e. Results of gaging will be entered on DSR cards. DSR
a. AP, APERS, HE (all types), WP, TP, and
cards received from installations with active surveillance
Canister ............................................. ............. W
organizations that state that gaging has been performed will be
b. Blank, illuminating ............................ ............. Y
honored by the receiving installation.
c. Chemical, colored smoke, HC,
f. Procedures and actions listed below will apply in the
leaflet, pyrotechnic, riot control. ............................ Z
event that ammunition items fail to meet gaging requirements
listed in the appendix for a specific item, specification, or
d. Cartridge, 105mm,semi-fixed
drawing during surveillance inspections. Gaging failures will
for howitzer assembled with M67
be reported in detail and the report will contain the following
propelling charges less than 15
information where applicable.
years old (except M84 series
HC, Smoke, and M629 Tactical CS)........................ Y
(1) NSN and lot number.
e. Cartridge, 105mm, semi-
(2) Sample size.
fixed for howitzer assembled with
(3) Type of failure.
M67 propelling charges 15 years or
older, M84 series HC Smoke, and
(4) Number of failures.
M629 Tactical CS .................................................. Z
(5) Gage drawing and revision number.
f. Cartridge, 105mm, semi-fixed for
howitzer assembled with propelling
(6) Gage serial number.
charges other than M67......................................... W
g. 120mm Tank Rounds ......................... ............. Y
(8) Gage dimensions at last calibration (if available).
Ammunition for mortars (jungle pack):
(9) Actual measurements of item failing to gage.
a. HE, WP, and practice with explosive
(10) All other defects observed are to be identified.
components .......................................................... V
b. Practice without explosive components
fail to gage without causing lot rejection will be compiled and
(inert) .................................................................... U
reported by letter or email on a quarterly basis to addressee in
c. FS smoke, leaflet riot control............................. X
d. Illuminating ...................................................... W
h. Lots rejected for failure to gage during IRI will be
reclassified to condition code L and reported on SF 368
Ammunition for mortars (regular pack):
(Quality Deficiency Report). The SF 368 will contain the
a. HE, WP, and practice with
a priority message to addressee in para. 1-5d(1) if the defect
explosive components............................................ X
encountered is classified as critical.
b. Practice without explosive components (inert) ... W
c. Chemical, FS smoke, leaflet, riot control............ Z
d. Illuminating ..................................................... Y
Ammunition for mortars (plastic Mono Pack) ............... Z