SB 742-1
(6) Inspection samples will be drawn from a single lot
(a) Lots in CC-J for past due inspection by twice the
within the cluster (except as described in paragraph 2-6c(13))
and must be representative. A different lot will be selected at
(b) Lots six months or more past due inspection (but
subsequent intervals until all lots in a cluster have been
less than twice overdue).
sampled. Sample size for periodic inspection of lot clustered
USAF SMCA assets will be found in Table 2-3, SB 742-1. All
(2) All other required materiel at normal inspection
lot clustering procedures will be applied to USAF SMCA assets.
The sampling size for periodic inspection of lot clustered USAF
g. Lots and lot clusters overdue for PI will not be issued.
owned, Non-SMCA items will be determined using Table 3-1,
Shipments to Posts, Camps, and Stations location will have a
T.O. 11A-1-10.
minimum of six months remaining on their inspection cycle.
(7) All lots within a cluster are considered equally
Ammunition lots issued to OCONUS locations and to
suitable for issue. Further inspection will not be required for
users/installations without a QASAS must have at least one
shipping individual lots of a cluster, which is within inspection
year remaining on the inspection cycle.
cycle, unless directed by higher headquarters for specific PII
2-6. Ammunition inspection categories and sampling
requirement. Receiving installation will apply the results and
date of last inspection to the actual lot received from a cluster.
a. Ammunition items (except toxic chemical and AMCOM-
(8) Lots deleted from a cluster for any reason will retain
managed items) are separated into categories for assignment of
the date of next inspection of the cluster. The DSR card will
PI intervals as listed in Table 2-1. Category determination is
show the inspection results of the sampled lot from the cluster.
(9) Lot clustering of new materiel is authorized when
Items not listed under one of the existing categories will be
received directly from the manufacturer. "Skip lotting" is no
reported to JMC Surveillance Office and be considered as
longer an acceptable method of inspection for initial receipts.
category Z until a category is assigned. Change to a category
will be disseminated by message pending formal change to this
(a) Normally, the first lot received from a
bulletin. Changes in categories are effective immediately and
manufacturer is inspected for the lot cluster
if it meets
intervals for inspections must be adjusted at time of change.
clustering criteria (cluster can be initiated when first is
Categories for specific items or family of items covered by
received). An IRI will be performed IAW para 2-4a. Any cluster
appendix E through AE
supersede guidance given for general
must have a minimum of one lot inspected at the time of
receipt or prior to issue.
b. Table 2-3 will be used to determine the inspection
(b) Only materiel received directly from the same
sample sizes for IRI, RI, PI, and PII.
manufacturer can be added to an existing lot cluster of new
c. Lot Clustering
(c) Each individual lot of new materiel received will be
(1) Ammunition lot clustering procedures are used to
inspected for damage in transit.
administratively combine ammunition lots into homogeneous
(10) Lot clustering of materiel requiring SIS inspection:
inspections. This procedure is applicable to inspection of
(a) Multiple condition codes may be clustered for SIS
Army, Air Force and Marine Corps owned conventional
inspections as long as clustering does not affect the safe
ammunition stocks. This procedure also applicable to Navy
storage and handling of the lot.
owned conventional stocks for safety in storage inspection
Those lots that do not meet the criteria for
(b) Lots receiving SIS will have a PI performed prior to
clustering will be evaluated using applicable guidance for
individual lot inspections. Lot clusters may not contain more
than 50 individual lots.
(11) In all cases, DSR cards for each lot in the cluster
(2) Clustering will be performed within individual will be annotated with the inspection results of the sampled
The QASAS in charge is responsible for lot. Included in the inspection remark will be the cluster lot
implementing the lot-clustering program and is the final index number and the lot number sampled.
authority on acceptability of lots for clustering. Lot clusters
(12) Each individual lot within a cluster must be
exist only on the installation where they have been created to evaluated in its storage locations for visual degradation. Any
perform inspections. Receiving installations will re-establish a indication that a particular lot is showing a different rate of
lot cluster as required/necessary.
cluster. This evaluation may be performed in conjunction with
(3) When a cluster is being formed the date of next
magazine inspections or at the time samples are selected in the
inspection will be based on the lot having the most recent date
storage structure.
of last inspection (does not include inspection for damage in
transit). If all lots within the new cluster are past due
(13) Lots considered for inclusion into a lot cluster must
inspection, one lot must be inspected. This date then becomes
meet the clustering criteria that follow.
the date of last inspection for the cluster.
(a) Same model/series of ammunition. This will
(4) Lot clusters will use normal periodic inspection typically separate clusters by the Department of Defense
Ammunition Code (DODAC) (e.g., 1305-A071).
(5) Lots may be added (up to 50 lots) or deleted from a
(b) Same manufacturer. This will be indicated by the
cluster at any time. Suspension or restrictions issued by
manufacturer prefix for ammunition lot numbers (reference
higher commands or receipt/issue of a lot at the installation
MIL-STD-1461). Depot lots (e.g., RR, SRD, RHN, etc.) that are
may be cause for the addition/deletion, but will not alter the
formed from grouping ammunition lots will not be considered
date of next inspection for the lot cluster.
for lot clustering.