SB 742-1
3. The containers are damaged to the extent that
that affects only the surface of the item and does not affect the contents cannot be readily removed.
intended use of the item. Items with incidental defects are
4. The container cap or closure is damaged or
acceptable for issue at the time of inspection.
insecure to the extent that contents cannot be adequately
(2) Corrosion.
5. The container contents are loose to the extent that
(a) Critical corrosion is rust, or corrosion that has
progressed to the point that the material is hazardous to the item cannot be adequately protected during handling and
(c) Minor is a condition where containers are
(b) Major corrosion is rust, corrosion accompanied
singly or in combination with etching, pitting, or more weathered or deteriorated to the extent that maintenance is
normally required prior to issue or use. Examples of minor
extensive surface damage; loose or granular condition.
packaging defects are wet, moldy, or mildewed inner
(c) Minor corrosion is loose rust, corrosion containers (except metal) and improper or inadequate sealing
accompanied by minor etching and pitting of the surface.
of fiber containers.
(d) Incidental corrosion is discoloration or staining
(d) Incidental is any packaging defect other than
with no direct visual evidence of pitting, etching, or other critical, major, or minor that should be corrected if and when
surface damage.
maintenance becomes necessary.
(Examples of incidental
packaging defects are: broken or missing handles or cleats,
(3) Ammunition mixed.
and broken, missing or ineffective hardware, banding, or
(a) Critical is a condition where the marking can packing components.) However, contents must be safe and
result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for persons using or adequately protected for storage and shipment.
maintaining the item, e.g., incorrect delay time, incorrect color
(6) Used packing materiel. The standards for evaluating
or type of smoke or signal, HE ammunition with practice
used packing materiel are SB 725-12 and SB 755-1 for SMCA
managed items and the applicable SB 742 series ammunition
(b) Major is a condition where the marking can cause surveillance procedures for AMCOM items. Packing materiel
misuse or failure, e.g., incorrect model or type of round or fuze, that is acceptable for use will be classified as condition code B.
HE instead of HEAT, etc.
(7) Marking. Marking that is missing, illegible, incorrect,
(c) Minor marking defects are those other than or misleading will be classified defective as follows:
critical or major that normally should be corrected prior to
(a) Critical is a condition where the marking can
issue. Examples of minor marking defects are incorrect or
result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for persons using or
missing lot number or Department of Transportation (DOT)
maintaining the item, e.g., incorrect delay time, incorrect color
name on the item or packing.
or type of smoke or signal, HE ammunition with practice
(4) Damage.
(b) Major is a condition where the marking can cause
(a) Critical damage is a condition where the damage
misuse or failure, e.g., incorrect model or type of round or fuze,
can cause hazardous or unsafe conditions for persons using or
HE instead of HEAT, etc.
maintaining the item, e.g., broken safety devices, broken fins
(c) Minor marking defects are those other than
critical or major that normally should be corrected prior to
(b) Major is a condition where the damage can cause
issue. Examples of minor marking defects are incorrect or
failure or materially reduce the intended use of an item, e.g.,
missing lot number or Department of Transportation (DOT)
dented or distorted cartridge cases, damaged rotating bands,
name on the item or packing.
misaligned components, etc.
(d) Incidental marking defects are those other than
(c) Minor or incidental defects - none are defined.
critical, major, or minor that should be corrected when
Any damage other than defined above will be noted on DSR
maintenance becomes necessary.
Examples of incidental
card for information. Damage other than critical or major will
marking defects are use of ammunition identification code
not be used as acceptance or rejection criteria (except for
(AIC) versus NSN; illegible or missing marking such as
clearance of materiel pertaining to security assistance
nomenclature, NSN, DODIC, cube, weight; and incorrect
program) unless specifically required by appropriate item
military standards or procedures.
(5) Packaging.
2-8. Use of gages
and precision-measuring instruments.
(a) Critical is a condition where the packaging or the
a. As a general policy, every lot of ammunition which can be
absence of packaging components can cause hazardous or
gaged and is classified as logistics control code LCC) A or B
unsafe conditions for persons using, handling, transporting, or
must be gaged at least once during its storage life cycle.
maintaining the materiel.
However, ammunition lots for which the specified gages are not
(b) Major is a condition where containers are immediately available will not be reclassified to a lesser
condition code, nor will shipments to users be denied, pending
damaged, weathered, or decayed to the extent that--
gaging. (FORSCOM, TRADOC, ARNG activities, and OCONUS
1. The contents cannot be adequately protected.
commands, see para 5-2a(4).
2. The containers require replacement.