SB 742-1
(d) Lot cluster with 21 to 50 lots, inclusive: inspect 5
(c) Same lot interfix. Non-standard lots (lots with lot
(five) additional lots. If none of the additional lots fail to meet
identifier codes, i.e. A, D, E, G, H, P, PG, R, S, SP SR, and
serviceability criteria, remove first inspected (failed) lot from
PILOT) described in MIL-STD-1168 will not be clustered. The
cluster and retain cluster in appropriate serviceable condition
number of lots within a particular cluster is dependent on the
code. If any of the additional lots fail to meet serviceability
number of lots within an interfix at the individual installation.
criteria, reject the entire lot cluster and assign condition code
There is no need to limit the number of lots beyond the scope
of criteria noted here. Only propelling charges for semi-fixed
ammunition assigned a standard ammunition lot number are
(e) Individual failed lots that are removed from the
eligible for clustering. All other propelling charges and bulk
cluster due to conditions stated in paragraphs 2-6c(13)(a)
propellants whose ammunition lot number is composed of the
through (d) above will be treated as individual lots and be
5-digit number representing the propellant index or serial
assigned the appropriate condition code based upon original
number will not be clustered.
(d) Similar method of pack. The intent here is to
(f) Sample sizes and accept/reject criteria for all lots
separate lots within the same DODAC that have significantly
different types of packaging. Examples are mortar ammunition inspected within a cluster subsequent to the failure of the first
lot to meet serviceability criteria will be in accordance with
with and without jungle wrap.
(e) Same condition code. All lots must have the same
condition code to be included in the cluster. Not applicable to 2-7. Surveillance defect standards.
SIS lot clusters.
a. Ammunition defects are classified into the following four
(f) Similar lot history.
The DSR card must be
reviewed to ascertain the similarity of lot histories for the lots
(1) Critical. A defect that is likely to result in hazardous
being considered for clustering. Lots that have been uploaded
or unsafe conditions for individuals using, maintaining, or
will not be clustered. A lot cluster of new materiel must only
depending on the item, or a defect that is likely to cause the
contain materiel received from a manufacturer.
destruction of/or serious damage to the weapon or launcher
(g) It is permissible to lot cluster functional packed under normal training or combat conditions.
lots ("L" lots) provided that such lots have the same
(2) Major. A defect other than critical that is likely to
composition, e.g. the same ration of ball to tracer and meet all result in failure in tactical use or which precludes or reduces
other lot clustering criteria.
materially the usability of the item for its intended use.
(h) In general suffixed lots should not be clustered
(3) Minor. A defect other than critical or major that is
because of dissimilarity of their lot histories; however, on a not likely to result in failure during use or reduce the intended
case-by-case basis the QASAS in Charge may permit clustering use of the item, but which should be corrected prior to issue.
of suffixed lots having very similar histories; e.g. the same
(4) Incidental. Defects not of the critical, major, or
maintenance performed at the same installation separated by
minor types will be classified as incidental and corrected when
only a short time.
maintenance is performed on the item. Incidental defects will
(14) Record keeping for lot clusters will be in accordance not normally be reported to the commodity command unless
specifically requested but will be recorded on the depot
Sample surveillance record card.
(15) Disposition of inspection results.
inspection will apply to the entire cluster and accept/reject
b. Defectives are items having one or more defects; e.g., an
criteria of Table 2-3 will be used for cluster classification. If ammunition item or unit having one or more major defects is
the sampled lot fails to meet serviceability criteria additional considered a major defective. An ammunition item or unit
samples will be inspected.
having one or more critical defects and one or more major
(a) Lot clusters with 2 to 5 lots, inclusive: dissolve defects and one or more minor defects will be classified as a
cluster and inspect each individual lot in accordance with this critical defective, a major defective, and as a minor defective.
c. The following criteria are furnished as a guide to assist
the QASAS in classifying metal, plastic, and rubber component
(b) Lot cluster with 6 to 10 lots, inclusive: inspect 2
deterioration or corrosion; mixed ammunition; damage;
(two) additional lots. If neither of the additional lots fails to
packaging; and marking defects into one of the four defect
meet serviceability criteria, remove first inspected (failed) lot
from cluster and retain cluster in appropriate serviceable
condition code. If either of the additional lots fails to meet
serviceability criteria, reject the entire lot cluster and assign
(a) Critical deterioration is deterioration that creates
condition code accordingly.
a hazardous condition for persons using or maintaining the
(c) Lot clusters with 11 to 20 lots, inclusive: inspect 3 item.
(three) additional lots. If none of the additional lots fail to meet
(b) Major deterioration is deterioration that
serviceability criteria, remove first inspected (failed) lot from
significantly reduces or precludes the functioning or use of the
cluster and retain cluster in
item and requires maintenance or renovation prior to issue.
appropriate serviceable condition code. If any of the additional
lots fail to meet serviceability criteria, reject the entire lot
significantly reduce the functioning or use of the item but
cluster and assign condition code accordingly.
normally requires minor maintenance to restore the materiel to
an issuable condition or to prevent the progression of
deterioration to a more serious degree.