SB 742-1
(4) Visually inspect unpackaged ammunition as well
(3) Dispense
as any residue from the expended ammunition. Particular
attention will be given to the condition of ammunition prepared
b. MINs are used to--
for firing, i.e., tampering or unauthorized firing configurations
(1) Disseminate technical information for AMCOM or procedures, exposure to elements, and length of time
managed items.
(5) Every effort will be made to interview all personnel
(2) Provide surveillance information regarding guided
involved in the malfunction and other personnel who witnessed
missiles and large rockets.
the incident. Personnel will be thoroughly questioned on
c. Surveillance organizations will implement guidance.
events, procedures, actions, etc., that took place before,
during, and after the malfunction.
10-11. Major Training Area Operations.
(6) Ammunition will be locally suspended from use
a. QASAS responsibilities.
when it has been determined that the ammunition is the
(1) QASAS assigned to live firing training areas are possible cause of a malfunction.
responsible for providing technical assistance and support on
(7) Preliminary malfunction feeder reports may be
ammunition quality and explosive safety matters to locally
sent by e-mail. Send reports on SMCA managed material to
assigned personnel and to troops training at the facility. This
email addressee in para 1-5d(1) and for AMCOM managed
includes, but is not limited to, range support during training
material to email addressee in para 1-5d(2).
exercises and investigating and reporting malfunctions
involving ammunition in accordance with AR 75-1.
c. Range area operations
(2) QASAS should be available to assist range safety
officers to assure that units are properly briefed prior to
periodically (daily when possible) of the ranges to assure that
commencement of training exercises. This will include as a
ammunition is properly handled, stored, and transported.
minimum, safety in handling and transportation, protection of
Particular attention will be made to safety or operational
ammunition from the elements, malfunction reporting
requirements such as explosive limits, rough handling of
requirements and turn-in procedures for unused ammunition
ammunition, excessive amounts of ammunition packages
and residue (packing material, fired cartridge cases, etc.). In
opened, etc. When discrepancies are noted, on- the-spot
addition, the need to inform the QASAS of any suspect or
corrections will be made. Discrepancies will be recorded and
otherwise defective ammunition that might affect user safety or
reported according to locally established procedures.
mission accomplishment should also be emphasized.
(2) When visiting firing ranges the QASAS will observe
Examples of defective ammunition are rounds that fail to
firing and, if possible, consult with troops to determine if
chamber, assemble or disassemble, deteriorated propellant
problems were encountered with the ammunition during
bags, excessive misfires, short ranges, etc.
training. Problems that are brought to the attention of the
(3) QASAS must be thoroughly familiar with the QASAS must be investigated and reported through command
requirements of AR 75-1, AR 385-62, AR 385-63, AR 385-64, channels to the appropriate commodity command.
AR 740-1, DA PAM 385-64, FM 9-6, local procedures, and
(3) QASAS monitoring range operations and unit
make extensive efforts to ensure they are met.
turn-ins should assure that projectiles that are returned to
(4) QASAS will assure that suspended or restricted ASPs which are known, or suspected of having been rammed
munitions and ammunition lots cleared or not cleared for are placed in CC-H. Using units must provide positive
overhead fire are identified and appropriate action taken.
identification of these rounds by placing a statement on the
turn-in document and indelible marking on the projectiles
(5) Actions required and reporting procedures for
when turning them in at the ASP.
malfunctions involving ammunition will be as specified in AR
75-1 and supplements thereto. Local range procedures must 10-12. Prepositioned Ships
assure that the provisions of this regulation are met.
a. Army Prepositioned Ships (PREPO, AFLOAT), Marine
b. Malfunction investigations. QASAS should be available Corps
to prepare or provide assistance in preparation of reports Operational Reserve Material (MPS)/(LFORM) and Air Force
required by AR 75-1 and local procedures. Typical examples of Afloat Prepositioned Fleet (APF).
steps that may be taken in the event of a malfunction are listed
b. Introduction: Ammunition supplied for PREPO,
It must be understood that the following is not
AFLOAT, MPS/LFORM and APF is intended for long term
intended to be an all-inclusive list.
storage aboard ship and for rapid deployment in a combat
(1) Obtain general information concerning the situation.
incident at the time the initial report is made. Determine if
c. Criteria applicable to PREPO, AFLOAT, MPS/LFORM
incident is reportable IAW AR 75-1 criteria.
and APF stocks:
(2) Inform reporting individual that ammunition and
(1) Every effort must be given to assure lots selected
weapons involved in the incident must be left in place and not
will withstand shipboard environment for an extended period.
disturbed until an investigation has been conducted.
(2) When SMCA managed assets from the appropriate
(3) Conduct visual inspection of malfunction site in
account are not available; resolution will be accomplished by
conjunction with AMC logistics assistance representative
(ACALA for weapons and AMCOM for missiles), ammunition JMC according to DOD 5160.65M.
officer and/or EOD, if needed.