SB 742-1
(1) Ammunition surveillance pre-operational checklist
(4) P-treated materiel may be shipped without
restriction unless otherwise noted on the Shipping Planning with the following steps:
Worksheet (SPW).
(a) Monitor DD Form 1348-1 and/or DA Form
(5) Items (other than new production material) which 4508 to verify that item being demilitarized is of the proper
are boxed or palletized with black banding are suitable for NSN, lot, quantity, and nomenclature.
overseas shipment for any non-PREPO, AFLOAT application,
(b) Verify that the proposed method of
including to non-DOD customers, provided the banding is
satisfactory for its intended use and purpose. (See appendix demilitarization is compatible with current demilitarization
items received with black banding.)
(c) Verify the availability of approved operation
SOP and that operation SOP or a dedicated surveillance SOP
c. Lots and lot clusters overdue for PI will not be issued.
contains all surveillance inspection criteria.
Shipments to Post, Camp and Station locations will have a
minimum of six months remaining on their inspection cycle.
(d) Verify the availability (at demilitarization site)
of environmental permit listing conditions and restrictions.
users/installations without a QASAS must have at least one
Also, determine that demilitarization can be conducted without
year remaining on the inspection cycle.
violation of environmental permit conditions or restrictions.
d. It is the responsibility of the ammunition operations
(2) Ammunition
organization to certify as inert/free of hazardous chemicals demilitarization site.
and/or explosives materiel being transferred directly to the
(a) Verify site to be used is as authorized in SOP.
DRMO. This certification will be verified IAW DOD 4160.21-M-
1. Sample by QASAS.
(b) Verify all safety and protective equipment
required by SOP is available.
10-5. Transport vehicles and vessels.
(c) Determine that all required references cited in
The examinations, inspections, and reports in paragraphs a
SOP are available.
and b below must be performed by or monitored by QASAS
personnel in support of the transportation officer. Of
(d) Verify that a copy of the governing SOP is
particular interest are the safety aspects of equipment and
posted and available.
(e) Verify that all required fire and chemical
a. When transport vehicles and vessels are to be used for
hazard symbols are posted.
transportation of ammunition and explosives, they (motor
vehicles, rail cars, barges, ships, aircraft, MILVANs, and
(f) Verify that operations are in compliance with
CONEX/ISO containers) must be given a thorough exterior and environmental regulations as stated in the SOP.
interior examination to determine suitability to transport the
(g) Verify that communication equipment is
materiel involved.
available and functioning properly.
b. Upon
(h) Determine that fire-fighting equipment is
ammunition/explosives-laden transport vehicles and vessels
must be given a thorough exterior and interior examination available.
before unloading operations are started.
(i) Verify that sensitive items are provided proper
(1) The examination is performed to uncover evidence security.
of tampering or sabotage (such as broken seals, wire twists, or
(j) Confirm that operators are properly qualified
other security devices), missing cargo, and possibly hazardous
and certified and licensed according to pertinent regulations.
conditions resulting from damage in transit.
(3) Ammunition
(2) The condition of the lading will be observed on
monitoring of demilitarization operations.
receipt and during unloading operations to detect damaged
cargo and to determine where improper blocking, bracing, and
(a) Verify compliance with all requirements
staying methods were employed. See paragraphs 11-3c and d applicable to a specific demilitarization operation.
for reporting of deficiencies.
(b) Monitor demilitarization operations using all
c. Basic policy and guidance for transportation of criteria prescribed in this procedure.
ammunition and explosives are contained in DoD 4500.9-R.
(c) Examine demilitarization area (including
Guidance on specific areas of interest is contained in AR 55-
service magazines) for compliance with explosive limits
228, AR 190-11, BOE 6000, 46CFR, 49CFR, TM 38-250, and
reflected in SOP, good housekeeping, and storage
DA PAM 385-64.
(d) Verify personal protective equipment required
a. Demilitarization SOP will be submitted to the is used on each operation per appropriate publications.
Ammunition Surveillance organization for review, concurrence
(e) Verify compliance with all environmental
and approval prior to start of operation.
requirements as stated in the SOP. Demilitarization site and
b. Installation surveillance organization will monitor operation must be in compliance with MACOM policy. This
ammunition/explosives demilitarization operations and sites.
policy as stated in AMC-R 755-8 is mandatory for AMC
installations and should be used as guidance by other
c. The surveillance organization will develop an SOP to
MACOMs. Assure compliance with all Federal, local, and host-
support demil operations. The SOP will include the following
nation regulations.