SB 742-1
(2) Air Force APF stocks do not require an Army
(3) Repship data must be forwarded by the shipper to
addressee in para 1-5d(10) and addressee in para 1-5d(9), as functional clearance and there is no requirement to request
well as the destination port. Weight, dimensions, number of clearance from the Air Force if paragraphs 13-12e(1) thru (5)
pallets of each lot/DODIC must be listed. This information is are complied with.
required for final stow planning to expedite uploading of
(3) Only full unit packs will be shipped. Lite boxes will
NOT be shipped.
(4) After receipt of MRO and completion of any
(4) A periodic Inspection (PI) will be performed
required surveillance actions, shipping installation surveillance
immediately prior to shipment of lots selected for APF even if
organization will mail, FAX or email to addressee in para 1-
5d(9). Depot Surveillance Record (DSR) cards and Ammunition this entails performing multiple PI's at the same location
within a short period of time. Questions concerning Air Force
Data Cards (ADC).
APF should be addressed to the addressee in para 1-5d(12).
(5) For ammo retrograded from a PREPO, AFLOAT
ship, addressee in para 1-5d(9) will forward DSR cards to the 10-13. Water Port Operations
storing installation.
a. QASAS assigned to water ports will act as advisor to the
(6) Questions pertaining to PREPO, AFLOAT stocks or senior Department of Defense official operating the port and its
shipment of PREPO, AFLOAT stocks should be addressed to support facilities (Military Traffic Management Command
Detachment, Transportation Terminal Unit, Port Supply
addressee in para 1-5d(9).
Activity, etc.).
f. Criteria applicable to Marine Corps MPS/LFORM stock
b. Advice and planning support will be provided in the
areas of explosives safety (site planning in accordance with
(1) Lots will be picked for MPS/LFORM using the quantity distance requirements, compatibility of ammunition
Marine Corps MPS PREFERENCE LIST. Lots do not require a and other cargo, etc.), ammunition handling procedures and
functional clearance from the Army.
techniques, preparation of hazardous cargo documents and
repair/evaluation of damaged ammunition items/packages.
(2) Stocks are listed as category 1,2 or 3 with 1 being
preferred, 2 being not preferred and 3 being unacceptable.
c. Pier and ship operations will be monitored to assure
Category 1 preferred stocks are the only stocks suitable for proper equipment and procedures are used in the handling,
MPS/LFORM. If category 1 stocks are determined to be movement, lifting and securement of ammunition and
unsuitable, contact the Marine Corps liaison. (See paragraph explosives and that proper fire fighting precautions have been
At all operating locations, to include supporting
marshalling areas, assure explosive weight limits are not
(3) Only the best Marine Corps assets are to be exceeded and that pier and shipboard personnel observe
shipped for MPS/LFORM.
common precautions for personnel handling or operating in
(4) Unless exception data on the MRO designates a the vicinity of ammunition and explosives.
particular lot, no less than 2 and no more than 5 lots per
d. Coordination with U.S. Coast Guard elements is
DODIC per ship will be selected. Lots with a "Y" designator will essential for effective implementation of guidance.
not be used.
(5) Lots with a normal current inspection will not
require a pre-issue inspection.
10-14. Quantity Distance determinations.
(6) MPS/LFORM requests can be identified by project QASAS can assist the organization safety office in preparation
code MEA, MEB, MEC, OR 830 on the Ammunition Shipment of site plans, waivers and storage licenses.
Planning Worksheet (ASPW) sometimes called (SPW).
information in this area is in AR 385-64/DA PAM 385-64.
(7) After receipt of MRO and completion of any
required surveillance actions shipping installation surveillance
organization will mail Depot Surveillance Record (DSR) cards
and Ammunition Data Cards (ADC) of the accepted lots to
addressee in para 1-5d(10).
(8) Fallbrook is responsible for ensuring that ADC and
DSR cards are forwarded to installations receiving retrograded
(9) Questions pertaining to MPS/LFORM should be
addressed to the local Marine Corps liaison. In the absence of a
local liaison, contact the addressee in para 1-5d(11).
g. Criteria applicable to Air Force APF stock only (IAW T.O.
(1) Only condition code "A" stocks will be shipped to,
or placed on APF vessels unless otherwise permitted by the
APF Program Superintendent. Only conditions code "A" assets
with at least six years shelf/service life remaining (to the
greatest extent possible) will be shipped to support APF