SB 742-1
"Suspended-- Issue Prohibited."
(b) Army ammunition plants need not prepare
DSR cards for new materiel in the industrial account, provided
"Suspended from Issue, Movement, and
no significant events necessitating a DSR entry (such as
suspensions, restrictions, releases, special inspections or
conditions code changes) occur. Processed industrial stocks,
"Suspended Except for Emergency Combat
which have not yet "been accepted" by the government, will
have DSR's initiated as specified by appropriate regulatory
(c) Lettering will be the largest possible that is
requirements. For materiel identified as "work in process,"
compatible with the forms. OCONUS commands may fabricate
logbooks containing pertinent information may be used in lieu
and use multilingual versions of forms as needed.
of DSR's. If lots are shipped prior to initiation of DSR's,
shipping documents will be annotated with a statement that
(d) Forms will be securely attached to the affected
DSR cards have not been initiated; reference this paragraph.
lot's stack in storage and to the magazine data card to
preclude loss during magazine storage operations, etc.
Presence of suspension tags will be verified during each
(9) DA Form 3022-R may be reproduced locally, as magazine inspection.
required, on 8-1/2 by 11-inch paper for use as an ammunition
Ammunition gage record card. DA Form 3023 (Gage
surveillance inspection worksheet (i.e., used to temporarily
record inspection data for transposition to the formal DSR Record) is received with each gage and includes pertinent gage
information. The card will be maintained in an up-to-date
manner with the record of actual gage usage recorded on the
Ammunition suspension record. Ammunition suspected reverse side. The gage usage record is used to determine when
of being unsafe or containing a critical defect will be gages should be submitted for a dimensional check. Gage
suspended to prohibit its issue and use. This action is based record cards are returned with gages requiring use-test checks.
on malfunction or accident reports, function test reports, and
DD Form 1650 (Ammunition Data Card).
inspection reports. An investigation is conducted to ascertain
the quality of the lot or item and to determine disposition of ammunition is renovated, inspected 100 percent for critical
quantities involved. Based on the results of the investigation, defects, modified or regrouped, new or revised data cards will
disposition instructions will be issued to release, rework, or be prepared by the appropriate ammunition operations
organization and approved by the QASAS in charge. The
demilitarize the ammunition under consideration.
requirement for new ammunition data cards is outlined in MIL-
(10) Army suspension.
Worldwide ammunition STD-1168 and specific instructions from the commodity
suspension, restriction, and release notices are disseminated command. Revised data cards will be sent to the central
by JMC and AMCOM teletype or electronic mail supplements repository of the owning service ref para 1-5d(13). For Army
to TB 9-1300-385 which is published quarterly by addressee in send to addressee in para 1-5d(21)(c); for other services see
(11) Other service suspensions are covered in TO
Equipment logbooks and maintenance logs. The results
11A-1-1 (Air Force) and NAVSUP P 801 (Navy/USMC).
of inspection and maintenance of missiles and associated test
(12) In accordance with SMCA guidelines, a and handling equipment will be maintained on applicable
temporary suspension issued by the Army, Navy/USMC or Air forms according to DA Pam 738-750.
Force applies to all stocks regardless of owner. If a service
Storage monitoring record. Results of the SMI monitoring
does not agree with the temporary suspension it will release its
and action taken to correct any discrepancies will be posted to
stocks; that release applies only to that service's stocks. A
the DSR card. Storage Monitoring inspection of toxic chemical
permanent suspension issued by the Army, Navy/USMC or Air
munitions may be recorded on a locally devised form (manual
Force applies only to stocks of the service issuing the
or automated) for each ammunition lot or serially numbered
permanent suspension. Permanent suspensions issued by any
item subjected to SMI. Records indicating that SMIs have been
service will apply to stocks in the demil accounts unless JMC
accomplished are part of the historical record and will be
surveillance non-concurs in the suspension action
retained indefinitely.
When SMIs reflect nonstandard
conditions (e.g., evidence of leakage, damaged outer pack or
(13) Suspension control. Control of suspended stocks
container, dunnage, etc.) the results of the inspection and the
is a responsibility of the ammunition surveillance organization
actions taken to resolve discrepancies will be posted to the
and involves maintaining the installation's master suspension
DSR card.
records. The ammunition surveillance organization is also
responsible for assuring that suspended items that are
DA Form 4508 (Ammunition Transfer Record). DA Form
restricted from handling or movement are not moved, handled,
4508 will be used to accomplish local condition code, NSN,
or shipped except as specifically authorized by higher
nomenclature, and lot or SN changes and will be processed
headquarters. Munitions locally issued for training must be
through and concurred in by the ammunition surveillance
monitored for suspensions.
Suspension notices received
QASAS must review and approve any
during non-duty hours at installations where non-duty hour
reclassification action.
training exercises are conducted must be checked against
Materiel condition tags and labels.
munitions in use for such exercises.
(14) All materiel destined for Navy or Marine Corps
(a) Suspended stocks in storage must be
appropriately identified using DD Form 1575 (Suspended Tag- use will have materiel condition tags or labels affixed prior to
Materiel) or DD Form 1575-1 (Suspended Label-Materiel) to shipment.
preclude unauthorized handling or issue.
(15) Tags or labels will be used to identify suspended
(b) In addition to applicable information as stocks, as required by paragraph 11-2b(4)(a) above, and to
requested on the form, the tag will be annotated with one of identify containerized chemical surety munitions.
the following remarks as applicable: