SB 742-1
(g) *Fields/blocks with blue stars are REQUIRED
and must be filled out completely to submit the QDR.
(16) A log will be maintained for each cluster that
identifies all lots belonging to the cluster.
(h) After all the applicable blocks and required
fields have been filled, go to the bottom of the form and select
and click the submit button/icon. Another window will appear
describes minimum data elements required for creating a local
to verify submission, select OK to finish submitting the QDR.
log. A master log will be maintained to identify all lot clusters.
The AEPS system will automatically send the QDR to the
appropriate screening agency.
development of the master log. Local reproduction of Figures
11-1 and
11-2 is
SF 364 (Report of Discrepancy (ROD)).
receiving shipments with damage due to improper unitization,
(b) The surveillance test lot (STL) reporting
packaging, preservation; and with incorrect marking, quantity
system of the Standard Depot System (SDS) or a PC-based
discrepancies or documentation discrepancies will report the
discrepancies according to AR 735-11-2. SF 364 will not be
11-2 meet the requirements for lot cluster logs.
used for reporting transportation discrepancies (see SF 361
below), except for materiel sent parcel post.
The QA
11-3. Reports.
organization will normally report packaging discrepancies
while the operations organization reports discrepancies in the
DA Form 2415 (Ammunition Condition Report). The ACR
item(s) shipped.
is used to report failures, discrepancies, and other conditions
of ammunition materiel. The instructions for use, completion,
SF 361 (Transportation Discrepancy Report (DISREP)).
and distribution of DA Form 2415 are outlined in DA Pam 738-
Shipments received at an installation that are astray, lost, or
damaged; improperly blocked and braced; incompatible;
SF 368 is the handled improperly by carrier; tender or use of carrier's
SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report).
inadequate equipment or facilities; misdirected shipments;
authorized means for users of Army materiel to report--
(1) Equipment faults in design, operations, and improper documents; or shipped in violation of military
regulation will be reported on SF 361 according to DOD
(2) Equipment improvement recommendation to
Ammunition inspection and lot number report.
suggest improvements in Army materiel.
report will be prepared according to AR 700-19 and DA PAM
(3) Unsatisfactory new equipment received that is a 700-19 (WARS) for those commodities under the control of
direct result of below standard quality or workmanship. JMC and AMCOM-managed commodities. The preparation of
Instructions on completion are contained in AR 702-7 and DA required input data will be accomplished by or under the
PAM 738-750.
supervision of a QASAS.
(4) QDRs for Army owned or managed ammunition
The Small Arms Ammunition Trace Test Record will be
shall be forwarded to addressee in para 1-5d(1).
used for recording and reporting the trace test results
(5) QDRs can be submitted using U.S. Army Material according to SB 742-1305-94-20.
Command logistics web portal. Use Army Electronic Products
Reports of explosions, chemical agent releases, and
Support (AEPS) network reference para 1-5d(22)(c). To access serious accidents will be reported in accordance with AR 385-
this portal use the following instructions:
40 and applicable supplements.
(a) Log onto the Internet.
DD Form 250 (Materiel Inspection and Receiving Report).
(b) Type
(6) The instructions and procedures for the
preparation and distribution of DD Form 250, initiated in
(c) Scroll down to the middle of the AEPS public connection with shipment of supplies from vendor's plants
web page. Restricted access permission is not needed to (new procurement), are specified in DOD acquisition
The requirement for inspection and/or
submit a QDR.
acceptance of materiel (new procurement) received at depots
(d) Select and click the "Submit Quality from vendors as indicated on DD Form 250 is applicable to:
Deficiency Reports" application icon. (in the middle column of
(a) Materiel inspected at origin and requiring
icons titled "public applications", this is the second from the
acceptance at destination.
(b) Materiel requiring inspection and acceptance
(e) The instructions for completing a QDR are at
at destination.
the top of this page. Scroll down and begin filling in the
For further instructions or explanation of any
(7) Installations receiving materiel from procurement
block/field use your mouse pointer to click on the underlined for stock will process the DD Form 250 in accordance with
numeral next to the desired field. An information screen will applicable regulation (1) above.
appear explaining the item, to resume close the information
(8) The SF 368 will be used to report defective
window and fill in the applicable block.
products received at army installations for acceptance by the
(f) Be sure to use the TAB key to navigate from Government. In block 22 of SF 368, reference that this is a
block to block. If enter/return is used the program will ask if "Memorandum of Rejection" should be included.
you want to submit the report at the current point, if yes,
press ok. If the report is not complete, select cancel to return
to the QDR form. You may also use your mouse pointer to
select any of the blocks/fields at any time.