SB 742-1
(4) All DSR card data fields will be used unless the
QASAS in charge determines that a certain data field is not
applicable at a particular location. It is the responsibility of
11-1. Technical history.
the QASAS performing the last inspection to assure that all
data fields in use contain accurate and up to date information.
The technical history of each lot, serial, or group is maintained
(5) The recorded inspection remark will contain:
by the surveillance organization indicating the results of each
inspection, test, investigation, and any unusual or changing
(a) Date of inspection.
condition affecting the ammunition. The technical history of
materiel is an important record used in evaluating the
(b) Type of inspection accomplished.
serviceability and reliability of ammunition items, and it is
(c) Condition code.
important that all data recorded for inspections, tests, and
investigations be accurate and concise.
(d) Number of samples.
The type of information required for recording and
(e) Inspection reference(s).
reporting is dependent on the type of information required by
the organizations supported by surveillance, i.e., supply,
(f) Approximate quantity.
Quantity is for
information only, is not intended as a stock record
requirement, and will not be used if prohibited by a security
(1) The information required for supply purposes is
classification. Quantity will be only that of individual lot, not
determined by local procedures for satisfying local and higher
entire cluster quantity.
headquarters supply actions.
(g) Type of storage.
(2) The information required for maintenance
purposes normally is more detailed on the extent of
(h) A brief and accurate description of conditions
deficiencies and work required to return the item to an encountered to include packaging unitization information, type
issuable condition.
banding, etc. DSR cards for each lot in a cluster will be
annotated with the inspection results of the sampled lot.
The type of information required to evaluate the reliability
Remarks will include the defect codes that best identify the
of the stockpile includes condition of materiel, quantity, date of
defects observed during the inspection. Defect codes are
manufacture, type of storage, type of defects, assignable cause
of defects, results of tests, etc.
Additionally, the surveillance organization is required to
(i) Statement of actions taken and assignment of
submit various other types of reports on materiel received or in
condition code.
storage and to maintain certain specified records.
(j) Status of missile alteration or MWO (if
Forms required by this chapter are available on ASIS and,
where fielded, is the preferred method of completing these
(k) Pertinent reference to documents other than
normal inspection references such as ACRs, memoranda of
11-2. Records.
disposition, etc.
Army Depot Surveillance Record card.
inspection will reflect the name (typed or printed) of the QASAS
(3) DA Form 3022-R, Army Depot Surveillance Record
who conducted the inspection who will normally review the
(DSR) will be prepared and maintained in an up-to-date status
entry for accuracy.
for each lot, serial, or group of ammunition in storage (for
exceptions, see paragraph (6) below). A DSR card is used by
(m) The latest entry should be compared with
all organizations that store ammunition or explosives at any
previous inspection results given on the DSR for possible
level above the user level (such as depots, direct and general
findings that may require additional action. The chief of
support units, ammunition supply points, etc.). The DSR card
surveillance or first line supervisor should periodically monitor
contains information on the technical history of the materiel
these remarks to assure that they are accurate and complete.
such as the results of each investigation, examination, test,
any unusual or changing condition affecting the ammunition,
(6) Depot surveillance cards for missile materiel will
type of storage, etc.
normally be prepared for each lot or serial number item. Refer
to chapter 6 for specific guidance on inspection by lot, serial
(a) Surveillance organizations with access to the number, or group number. DSR cards will be maintained
Standard Depot System (SDS) will use the automated DSR accordingly.
feature of that system.
(7) DA Form 3022-R may be reproduced locally as
(b) Surveillance organizations without SDS required on 8- by 10-inch card stock (image size 7- by 9- -
access but with computer capability should automate DSR inch) to permit folding the card in the middle to an 8- by 5-
information using the procedures detailed in Appendix B.
inch size for filing. Installations that have automated DSR
(c) Organizations operating on an automated cards are required to have a capability for printing a DSR card.
DSR system will not continue to maintain a printed "hard
(8) Exceptions from the requirement to prepare and
copy" system.
maintain DSR cards:
(a) CCFTP test samples held at the test site.