SB 742-1
c. For
all other SMCA managed items, JMC
Absence of the detonator is classified as a major defect.
Surveillance Division will issue a NAR indicating the
b. Inspect the mine Belleville spring for deterioration disposition of stocks in Army accounts for
or improper assembly (major defect).
permanent suspension action issued by other services. An
Test the resistance of the mine pressure plate by applying "X" in the Army column in SMCA list identifies items with
hand pressure to the unfuzed mine pressure Army use.
plate. The amount of force applied (5 to 25-lbs is D-23. Projectile Receipt Inspection
suggested) should not exceed approximately
a. Projectiles, 8-Inch, M106 (1320-D680) with NPK
50-lbs. If no movement of the pressure plate is
detected, the Belleville spring is considered metal parts are suspended, requiring ultrasonic test and
assembly of ogive protector (OPA) and shock attenuating
lifting plug. These projectiles have proven extraordinarily
Remove the arming plug and visually examine the susceptible to developing cracks (due to residual stress)
Belleville spring for deterioration, misalignment, when subjected to impacts. Avoid striking projectile ogive
or improper assembly (use of a flashlight will be area since any hard impact may cause projectile ogive to
required). Verify that the setting knob of the crack especially at cold temperature. Projectiles may be
arming plug is properly assembled (see drawing transported without special precautions as long as they
#C37-1-7 and TM 9-1345-203-12&P). Arming remain palletized IAW approved drawings.
plugs failing to meet this requirement will be
(Improperly Lots which have been ultrasonically tested (100%) for
classified as critical defectives.
presence of cracks in area of ogive may be
assembled units allow the plug to be armed while
distinguished from other M106 projectiles by
the arrow is pointed toward the "safe" position.)
presence of polyethylene truncated cone (ogive
Examine the fuze retainer spring in the arming plug for
protector assembly) assembled to ogive and
deterioration or misalignment (major defect).
shock attenuating lifting plug assembled to fuze
D-21. Mine, AT
Heavy M19
Unit returns of projectiles, which have indication of rough
Inspect the mine for damage (cracked/dented body) IAW
handling, are to be classified as unserviceable
TM 9-1345-203-34, and ensure the mine's firing pin is
requiring ultrasonic screening. Projectiles, which
"SAFE" by performing the following steps:
have broken shock attenuating lifting plugs, are
Remove fuze and inspect rubber gasket.
not repairable.
Remove any foreign material found in fuze well.
Field service returns are to be classified unserviceable,
requiring ultrasonic screening unless it can be
Verify fuze is set to "S" and safety clip is in place.
determined with reasonable certainty that ogive
protector and lifting plug have not been removed
Remove shipping plug from detonator well and remove
by troops.
any foreign material.
b. Any projectile that is known or suspected of having
Verify the firing pin is located at the edge of the detonator
been rammed into a howitzer weapon is to be placed in
CC-H and authorized for demilitarization. Howitzer user's
Remove safety clip and rotate fuze setting knob to "A"; manuals caution howitzer crews not to load a previously
verify that the firing pin moves to the center of rammed projectile into a weapon.
One exception is
the detonator well.
Copperhead projectiles when rammed into a cold tube.
Return setting knob back to the "S" position; verify the D-24. Projectile 155-mm, illuminating, M485.
firing pin returns to the side of the detonator well
Defects found during inspection of the expelling charge
(critical defect if firing pin does not return).
will be classified as follows:
Replace safety clip.
a. Bulged (incidental).
b. Cracks without exposure of contents (incidental).
c. Split, cracked, torn, or burst with contents exposed
(major defect).
D-22. Permanent Suspension Of
Material In
d. Cover separated with contents exposed (major
Managed Accounts.
a. Permanent suspension action pertains only to
e. If during the course of the surveillance inspection,
assets of the service issuing the suspension. This
stuck expelling charges are encountered with no exposed
appendix pertains only to assets suspended by the issuing
black powder or moisture on top of the visible expelling
service that are in or are transferred into the SMCA
charge or in the fuze well, additional samples equal only to
(Army) Demil Accounts (B5A/B5B or local accounts).
the number of stuck charges are to be selected. If these
moisture, the lot is to be accepted for unrestricted issue
Force missiles, will be conditioned coded in accordance
and use.
with permanent suspension actions of the developing
service, regardless of owner account.