SB 742-1
(6) Conglomerate lots will be inspected for
E-6. Additional guidance for SAA.
serviceability at the same interval as other category W
a. Small caliber stockpile reliability program (SCSRP) items i.e., five years. Sample size will also be the same.
and centralized trace test program (CTTP) for SAA.
(7) Packed lots will be identified by DODIC and
(1) Refer to basic portion of this SB for selecting nomenclature furnished by JMC.
and preparing for shipment lots nominated for SCSRP and
(8) Repackaging instructions will also be provided
by JMC.
(2) Trace Function Test Report, DA Form 3524-R
c. SAA with lost lot identity.
with part 1 completed, is required only for tracer bearing
SCSRP/CTTP candidate lots shipped to test facilities. DA
(1) All SAA with lost lot identity (excluding
Form 3524-R should be forwarded to designated facility by
transmittal record (DA Form 200) for verification of commercially procured items such as caliber .22) will be
receipt. Assure that all component lot data is listed for picked up on accountable records in condition code K
pending inspection and classification.
functional lots (ratio packed).
determined by inspection to be serviceable will be assigned
(3) Surveillance trace test of SAA will be condition code C priority-of-issue for training use in hand
performed as directed by JMC according to SB weapons (rifle, pistol or shotgun) or ground and vehicle
mounted machine guns, M60 series (7.62-mm) and M2 or
M3 series (caliber .50). Every effort will be made to
b. Conglomerate lots of SAA.
expend the rounds in training. These rounds are also
(1) Individual lot quantities of SAA of less than a authorized for emergency combat use.
standard exterior pack will be accumulated for
(2) Serviceable caliber .50 ammunition with lost
conglomeration only when directed by the commodity
lot identity will be used in the M85 machine gun for
command. The commodity command will notify AMC
training provided that:
storage activities and overseas command of items
(a) M15A2 links which are suspected or
authorized for conglomeration. Unless otherwise notified,
known to have been previously cycled in M85 machine
less than a standard pack will be assigned condition code
gun are not used. M15A2 link is designed for one time
P except as noted below.
(a) Calibers .22, .32, .38, 9mm, and .45,
(b) Field returns of loose rounds that were
shotgun shells, rifle grenade cartridges, high pressure test
not linked in M15A2 links for use in M85 machine gun
items, caliber .50 spotter-tracer and dummy cartridges.
will not be issued for use in the M85 machine gun.
(b) Listed items will be maintained in stock Ammunition suitable for use in M85 is limited to assets
by individual lot number regardless of lot size.
known to be originally assembled with M15A2 link, and is
limited to relinking of partial belts to standard pack
(2) When authorized, lots will be conglomerated configuration.
by caliber, type, manufacturer and functional code. A
local control number will be assigned and will consist of
(3) SAA with lost lot identity is prohibited from
depot symbol, sequence and year established, e.g., use for overhead fire and qualification exercises. All
A local record will be maintained of the 7.62-mm ammunition with lost lot identity is also
individual component lots and related quantities which prohibited from firing in M73, M219 and M240 series
comprise conglomerated control numbers.
Each box machine guns.
containing conglomerate stocks will have a card affixed to
(4) Munitions and configuration components
the interior, listing individual lots and quantities.
(links, clip, etc.) will be segregated by caliber, type and
(3) Individual lots of SAA in a potential model designation. A 100-percent visual inspection and
conglomerate stockpile need not be delinked or declipped classification of rounds and components will be made to
prior to receipt of disposition instructions. Lots will be include performance of required testing, where applicable,
maintained by individual lot number, functional code, according to MIL-STDs, drawings and provisions of this
model number and caliber. Various models of tracer appendix. Links which have been cycled through weapons
within one caliber, whether serviceable or deteriorated, will not be reused.
may be placed into one conglomerate lot.
(5) Serviceable munitions will be assigned a local
(4) Quantities will be accumulated and carried on lot number consisting of a three digit activity symbol, lot
record as usable assets under the appropriate condition sequence number, identification code "U" (unknown) and
code. Quantities of 50,000 and over of the same model year established, e.g., BAP-3U-80.
and caliber will be reported on DA Form 2415
(6) Level of pack will depend on the local
(Ammunition Condition Report) according to DA PAM
situation. As a minimum, preservation and packaging will
738-750 for disposition instructions.
be accomplished to assure adequate security, provide
(5) If relinking is authorized, only cartridges from transportation safety and allow expected field handling by
one producer per type (regardless of year of manufacture) the user. In addition to standard markings, packaging
will be utilized in a belt of linked ammunition.
A will be identified by local lot number and training use
maximum of 100,000 cartridges will be packed as a lot. marking, e.g., DAP-3U-80, training use.
(7) Records and reports.
DSR cards and
Data cards will be prepared and
distributed according to MIL-STD-1167 and data item accountable records will be maintained using the local lot
number. Malfunction reports, WARS report, input, etc.,
description DI MISC 80043.
on these munitions will be made in a usual manner using