SB 742-1
k. Evidence of moisture damage resulting in a softening or
penetration of the combustible ctg. case (CCC) or forward
3. Minor:
a. Abrasion damage/peeling causing coating to be missing in
one continuous area. Yellow-white nitrocellulose case material
seen on this area totaling more than 0.25 sq/in or 1.6 sq/cm, but
less than 10 percent of total surface.
b. Water mark on cartridge
NOTE: The M830 (C787) has a live forward adapter.
(1) Cartridge deformation
L-6. Inspection Description and Notes:
preventing gaging or chambering.
a. Movement between sub-projectile and sabot is
(2) Evidence of propellant dusting on outside of
permissible and shall not be considered a defect. M829,
M829A1, and M829A2 projectile rotation at the case cartridge case or projectile.
adapter/obturator joint is permissible.
(3) The affected cartridge is either an M829A2 (C792)
b. Sabot segment gaps are permissible provided that the or M830 (C787) or M829A3 (CA26) with stick propellant that
could become damaged by the movement of penetrator fins or
cartridge can be chambered.
projectile boom/fins.
c. The M829 projectile contains a forward nylon-centering
i. Testing has demonstrated that the electric primer
band composed of four individual segments attached to sabot
petal. The gaps between centering band segments are aligned assembled to the round is insensitive to initiation by
with sabot segment gaps. The M829A1 projectile does not mechanical impact. Therefore, primers and igniters above
contain a forward centering band. The M829A3 contains a flush are considered major defects, rather than critical. Any
composit ring composed of three segments attached to the straight edge rule is suitable for checking primers for an above
petals. A blue adhesive is used to bond the ring. Adhesive is flush condition. The primer shall be staked to the case base.
For lots manufactured CY 02 and later, the stake shall be a
single indentation applied to the case base and material must
d. The M829, M829A1, M829A2, and M829A3 projectile be displaced into the primer. For lots manufactured before
assemblies contain a Depleted Uranium (DU) fin stabilized CY02, absence of primer stake or primer stakes that do not
The M829 series sub-projectiles consist of a clearly engage the primer are not considered defective if primer
penetrator, windshield, and fin. The number of sabot petals is not loose.
j. Any cut, nick, or gouge in the projectile rubber seal
projectile assembly consists of a steel core encased in three
aluminum sabot segments attached to rubber obturator and (M830 or M831A1) more than one half the width or more than
2 inches in circumference shall be cause for rejection.
steel stabilizer.
k. Moisture noted within PA-116 containers indicates
e. Container dents that are less than inch do not
ammunition was either wet when containerized or the interior
require repair. Dents greater than inch that impair the
components of the PA-116 were wet when the ammunition was
structural integrity of the PA-116 container or prevent the
packed out. Containers with wet interior projectile supports
removal of the cartridge are major defects. A cartridge that
and spacers are considered unserviceable until the moisture
cannot be removed from the PA-116 shipping and storage
intrusion condition is corrected. Cartridges found in such
container shall be placed in CC-F and reported by ACR with
containers must be closely examined for moisture damage
according to the applicable tables.
removed from damaged containers that evidence dented
cartridge cases shall be placed in CC-H and reported by ACR
l. QASAS will inspect cartridge cases for evidence of
as above.
moisture, dents, or penetration.
Defects can result from
packaging or the cartridge not being dry at time of packaging,
upload, and download operations during inclement weather, or
Standard ring gage set may be used in absence of man
portable chamber gage.
Ring gages will detect
bustle and hull ammunition storage racks. Inspect for water
oversized conditions for their specific profile dimension.
However, gaging with projectile and case ring gages will not
damage, soft cartridge cases, and forward adapters which
detect an out-of-alignment condition at the mating point of the
easily deform under hand pressure, water marks indicating
projectile assembly and cartridge case forward adapter.
case exposure to standing water and metal parts rust or
Therefore, where available, the MPCG is the preferred gaging
method to properly verify the entire profile and alignment of a
m. A windshield with a single longitudinal crack less than
120MM cartridge.
two inches in length is considered an incidental defect.
g. Any deformity (such as tip bluntness or off-center
n. Cartridge cases that have yellowish-white combustible
displacement) of the windshield tip may affect the aero-ballistic
material showing, less than 10 percent of the total surface area
performance of the sub-projectile.
of the cartridge case, will be touched up IAW procedures
h. Samples with projectiles exhibiting movement in contained in TM 9-1300-251-34&P.
relation to the cartridge case are not considered defects unless
o. The projectiles are marked with white alignment marks
one or more of the following conditions are also noted:
on the sabot and windshield. There are two marking schemes.
The first scheme has one mark on the sabot and one on the