SB 742-1
but these are not substitutes for the proportional counter
windshield. The two marks must either align perfectly or be
required to measure limits specified in paragraph j below.
offset by no more than the width of the mark. The second
marking scheme has two marks on the sabot and one mark on
i. The exact procedure for measuring activity will depend
the windshield. The windshield mark must be positioned
upon the equipment and facilities available. Each swipe must
between and not overlap the marks on the sabot (refer to the
be marked so that a specific cartridge can be located again.
alignment schemes
with Accept/Reject
Criteria and
Measurement of activity shall be performed by, or under the
Sabot/Windshield Marks Alignment Procedure in TM 9-1300-
guidance of, a Health Physicist or Radiation Protection Officer.
j. Activity
L-7. Swipe (Smear) Test (M829, M829A1, and
Cartridges Only):
beta-gamma, may indicate a potential corrosion problem.
a. A swipe test is performed on a DU cartridge exhibiting Although activity levels at these DPM values are not considered
external evidence of any DU corrosion or particles migrating to to present a health hazard, the initiation of a corrosion
the surface of the sabot. Due to the extremely tight fit of the problem needs to be identified long before actual
sabot segments, the potential for DU migration is considered to contamination results.
be very remote. Therefore, a swipe test shall only be performed
k. Any cartridge with a reading that exceeds the
under either of the following circumstances:
established background level by above amounts will be sealed
(1) Damaged M829 series cartridge resulting in an in plastic, and the cartridge will be returned for examination to
a facility licensed to disassemble DU cartridges as directed by
exposed penetrator.
the office in para 1-5d(19)(b).
(2) Cartridge with visible DU corrosion (yellowish or
l. Whenever activity levels exceed 500 DPM, the following
black powder or staining) on sabot, between sabot gaps or
will be immediately notified: (E-MAIL reporting is acceptable)
the office in para 1-5d(21)(h) and 1-5d(20)(b).
b. The following safety precautions should be observed
m. QASAS will also submit a report to the above addresses
when performing a swipe test:
in paragraph l when any activity levels are measured which
(1) Do not eat or drink while performing swipe testing. exceed background levels of the counter being used by a factor
Radioactive ALPHA materials pose the greatest harm if taken of two. This report will include the background and swipe
internally, such as by ingestion. Inspectors should keep their readings; type, serial number, and calibration date of test
hands away from their face.
instrument, and any other information deemed relevant.
(2) Do not perform swipe test with any exposed open
n. Following procedure can be used to monitor
cuts or sores. Cover any open cuts or sores with bandages and pallet/outer pack prior to shipment. This procedure is not
wear protective rubber gloves. Alpha radiation material can authorized for individual cartridges:
also be taken internally through open cuts.
(1) Swipe at least a 300 square centimeter area of
(3) Do not clean suspect DU projectiles prior to a pallet/outer pack using the procedures outlined at
swipe testing.
subparagraphs c through k above.
(4) Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water when
(2) Check the swipe with an AN/PDR 27, 56, or 60
testing is completed.
radiac meter, or equivalent. Readings of twice background is
c. Fill in information required on front of swipe folder to indicative of contamination.
include date, time, swipe number, location, and technician.
(3) If readings indicate contamination, suspend
shipment of the contaminated item(s) and notify offices in
d. Swipe does not have to be removed from the paper strip
subparagraph l above.
during test.
(4) The analysis using a proportional counter is
e. Using moderate pressure, wipe surface of the projectile
required regardless of the results of the field instrument check.
along the seams between sabot segments and seam of junction
between windshield and sabot with swipe. Swipe should also L-8. References:
powder/corrosion. Use one swipe per cartridge.
a. TM 9-2350-288-10-1/2
f. Once swipe has been taken, care must be taken to
b. TB 9-1300-278
prevent cross contamination. Do not touch side of swipe paper
c. TM 9-2350-264-10-1/2
that was used for taking swipe.
d. TM 9-1300-251-20&P
g. Fold paper strip over once so that swipe is covered.
Place swipe in resealable plastic pouch.
e. TM 9-1300-251-34&P
h. Swipes taken on individual cartridges will be tested for
f. TM 43-0001-28
g. AR 11-9
counter may be located at a central location and swipes
forwarded for reading. Field locations may be used and
h. TM 43-0001-28
AN/PDR 60 for identification of gross radiation hazards only,
i. TM 9-2350-388-10-1/2