SB 742-1
of rockets with a single sample port open. Any other leaker
isolation, draping stacks, pallets or rounds falls outside the
Rocket M55 GB Special Surveillance Instruction for
scope of this procedure.
Storage Monitoring Inspection Procedures
d. Quality Process (QP) Sample: A QP sample is a sample
that has been spiked with a dilute solution of agent and
exposed to ambient air for the same time and at the same flow
a. FSC 1340
rate as ordinary samples. For this procedure the dilute
b. Ammunition Type: Rocket M55, GB
solution contains .5ng of GB. The ambient air is shipping and
firing tube air
AE-2. Purpose, applicability, proponent
e. Real Time Low-Level Monitor (within the context of this
a. Purpose:
The purpose of this Special Surveillance
document only): An automatic air monitoring system that can
Instruction (SSI) is to provide procedures required to
detect chemical agent GB at 0.0001 mg/m3 within fifteen (15)
implement a Storage Monitoring Inspection (SMI) program for
M55 GB rockets as directed in chapter 7 of SB 742-1. These
procedures are limited to those necessary to efficiently perform
AE-5. Safety and environmental guidelines
SMI of M55 GB Rockets.
a. Guidance provided in this SSI does not supersede
b. Applicability: This SSI applies to all agencies, depots,
requirements of the RCRA or state environmental statutes.
arsenals, and activities responsible for storing M55 GB
Installations must assure compliance with all current
rockets. The procedures and technical requirements in this
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and state
SSI are mandatory and will be incorporated in local standing
guidelines pertaining to these munitions, and incorporate such
operating procedures (SOPs), either directly or by reference to
information in local policy or SOPs, where appropriate.
this SSI.
Surety, safety, security, and related technical
b. All SMI operations will be performed in a manner that
requirements are provided in other DoD publications unless
minimizes the potential for agent release to the environment
specifically noted in this SSI.
and affords maximum safety to operators and the general
c. Proponent: The proponent for this procedure is HQ, population. Implementing organizations will ensure SMI's are
Deviations or exceptions to these inspection conducted in accordance with safety and health guidelines
procedures or use of manifold systems other than identified in contained herein and in listed references.
Figure XX-1 will be requested formally. Individual users are
c. Monitoring of ambient air inside chemical storage
encouraged to report errors, omissions, and recommendations
for improving these instructions. Reports should be submitted magazines while performing inspections will be accomplished
by memorandum and forwarded to Commander, U.S. Army IAW chemical storage site's approved monitoring plan.
Soldier and Biological Chemical Command, ATTN: AMSSB-
d. The wrench used for removing the front and aft, end
OSM, 5183 Blackhawk Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
cap sampling port plugs must be fitted with a splash shield to
reduce the possibility of operators being exposed to liquid
e. As a minimum, operators performing intrusive
AR 11-34 Army Respiratory Protection Program
monitoring will wear Army level B protective clothing, or OSHA
AR 50-6 Chemical Surety
level C with hood and apron. A hazard analysis will be
performed to determine the level of protective clothing required
AR 385-61 The Army Chemical Agent Safety Program
for leaker isolation.
AR 385-64 Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards
f. The sample line for initial intrusive monitoring of M55
AR 700-68 Storage and Handling of Compressed Gases and rockets will not be used for exposure monitoring of personnel.
Gas Cylinders
g. When conducting intrusive monitoring operations on
AR 702-12 Quality Assurance Specialist
(Ammunition designated Leaker Lots, an igloo filtration system must be
operating unless a hazard analysis indicates otherwise.
AMC-R 350-4 Training and Certification Program for Personnel AE-6. Training and certification
working in Ammunition Operations
a. The sample collection, laboratory, and monitoring
DA PAM 40-8 Occupational Health Guidelines for the personnel involved in the collection, analysis and monitoring of
Evaluation and Control of Occupational Exposure to Nerve chemical surety material shall be certified and trained as
Agents GA, GB, GD, and VX
outlined in the CASARM QA Plan.
DA PAM 385-61 Toxic Chemical Agent Safety Standards
b. Inspection functions identified in this SSI must be
accomplished by Department of the Army Civilian (DAC)
SB 742-1 Inspection of Supplies and Equipment, Ammunition
Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance)
Surveillance Procedures
(QASAS) GS-1910 series (Career Program 20). Under the
CASARM QA Plan Chemical Agent Standard Analytical direction of a QASAS, properly trained (IAW AMC-R 350-4) and
Reference Material Quality Assurance Plan for Chemical Agent designated civilian technicians may supplement and assist the
QASAS in the accomplishment of these functions.
Air Monitoring
a. All inspections must be documented IAW SB 742-1,
a. Compound Gate (Agent Gate): The window, in seconds,
around the retention time of the compound of interest.
b. A photocopy of the analytical monitoring results for all
b. Leaking Munition: Munitions from which there has
confirmed leaking rockets will be maintained in the
been a confirmed detection of chemical agent outside the
Ammunition Surveillance Office.
The lot number(s) and
munition body. (AR 50-6)
sample number(s) will be annotated on the monitoring results.
c. Leaker Isolation: For the purpose of this document
leaker isolation is the isolation of a leaking rocket from a group