SB 742-1
e. Projectiles with evidence of damage and/or corrosion
will be inspected and swipe (smear) tested for evidence of
CARTRIDGE, 105MM APFSDS-T, M774, M833 and
f. Personnel handling DU rounds should wear gloves and
should not eat, drink, or smoke until hands are thoroughly
a. DODACS: 1315-
washed with soap and water.
g. Accidents and incidents involving DU munitions will be
reported through the local RPO to the license RPO, addressee
in para 1-5d(19)(b). These include: theft or loss of control;
functioning; fires, explosions, or accidents where DU
b. Ammunition Type: Cartridge, 105mm Armor-Piercing, munitions are, or could be damaged; or damage that exposes
Fin Stabilized, Discarding-Sabot, with Tracer (APFSDS-T) or releases DU to the environment.
M774, M833 and M900.
h. QASAS conducting UBL Inspection at 105mm tank
c. These rounds use a kinetic energy penetrator made units should assure that only M1 Abrams tank units are in
from depleted uranium (staballoy). Because of the toxic nature possession of Ctg, 105mm, APFSDS-T, M900.
of U238 when ingested into the body, more stringent
inspection criteria must be used to assure that no hazard J-3. Testing and equipment requirements
exists to personnel handling the items. Also, the design and Table J-1 identifies test and measurement equipment and
material composition of the cartridges represents a departure gaging requirements.
from previous generations of armor piercing tank ammunition.
The design and material configuration warrant special J-4. Inspection category and sampling plan.
emphasis during the life cycle surveillance of the cartridges.
a. Inspection category: Category W (five years).
The basic material compositions of projectile components are
as follows:
b. Sampling plan for inspection is according to chapter 2.
(1) Fin: aluminum (anodized).
c. A stockpile reliability test program will be conducted on
cartridges, which will require samples to be selected from
(2) Windshield: aluminum (anodized).
specific lots in basic load. Samples will be inspected visually
according to table J-2 of this appendix prior to shipment for
(3) Sabot: aluminum (anodized).
test. Inspection results will be annotated on a DA Form 984,
(4) Windshield Tip: steel.
and a copy forwarded to the office in para 1-5d(21)(h).
Sampling intervals will be as prescribed by HQ, JMC.
(5) Penetrator: staballoy (depleted uranium).
d. This program is designed to see what effect uploading,
(6) Bourrelet: steel.
handling, and downloading by tank crews have on
performance. Both ballistic testing and physical teardown
(7) Sabot Seal: rubber (silicon).
inspection will be performed by designated licensed facilities.
DU ammunition samples will not be individually swiped. Only
(8) Obturator: nylon.
(9) Sealing Band: polypropylene.
Samples will be swiped as part of ASRP test.
(10) Bourrelet Screws: steel.
Annual basic load inspections will be performed on cartridges
J-2. Unique safety precautions.
contained in basic load stocks will not be rejected for minor
a. Because of the toxic nature of depleted uranium (DU), correctable defects.
SOPs will be developed locally to assure that personnel
J-5. Specific inspection points.
involved in operations with DU rounds are protected from
possible ingestion.
Item will be inspected and classified according to Chapter 2
b. SOPs should include procedures covering accidents,
storage, incidents, and reporting requirements involving
rounds containing radioactive (DU) materials. (Reference TB 9-
1300-278, Guidelines for Safe Response to Handling, Storage,
and Transportation Accidents Involving Army Tank Munitions
Which Contain Depleted Uranium).
c. Procedures for commercial transportation of radioactive
(DU) materials must fully reflect the applicable requirements of
49CFR173 and AR 11-9, in addition to necessary actions
required prior to commercial shipment of explosives.
Procedures include a requirement to swipe test the exterior of
all pallets and unpalletized outerpacks prior to shipment.
Analyze swipe taken on pallet/outerpack according to
d. Cartridges are exempted by NRC license from labeling
requirements for radiologic material. Shipments must comply
with DOT Exemption DOT-E-9649.